My ancestors can get fucked. It’s time to start living for your descendants.
*Looks at the current state of the world*
Now that’s wishful thinking. Most parents will happily continue polluting and voting for politicians that don’t give a fuck about the future of their children.
What’s my special sock got to do with this?
That is an excellent point
Look at this guy over here planning on having descendants.
I like how everyone in heaven is white.
It’s specifically the dude’s ancestors, clearly he’s as white as they come
Pretty racist not to have any black ancestors smdh
Or fish. All mammals evolved from fish. Where are the fish.
Even fish evolved from fish. 🤔
It’s obvious perfect evolution begins with fish and ends with crab
They’re in fish heaven of course, same place my goldfish Oscar went after he started floating, where he can run and play with all his fishy buddies.
True we are not crabs yet.
Heaven was invented in 38 AD, common misunderstanding.
Pretty racist to not have any Tongan ancestors
White old men. The ultimative conservative power fantasy.
Ah yes the power fantasy of dying in your old age lol
It’s Mormon heaven.
I’m 90% sure this is a Jehovah’s Witness illustration of the 144,000. While they have a lot of minority representation in their pics on earth, heaven is almost always depicted to be white bread as fuck.
Not totally sure it’s theirs, though. These groups copy each others homework a lot.
Fellas, is it gay to go to heaven? I mean, just look at it! You’re surrounded by dicks! It’s a total sausage-fest up there!
yes ; it is.
This isn’t actually depicting heaven, it’s depicting hell for persons of colour
no, hell is good, because their are no Christians there
Heaven and hell isn’t for “good” or “bad” people. It’s for believers and non-believers.
You can be the most “good” person ever, but if you don’t believe in “God” (or Jesus, or whatever) you’re not going to heaven.
Inversely, you could be literally Hitler + Mao and genocide an entire population… but as long as you REALLY believe in Jesus and repent seconds before you die! (or whatever figurative loophole probably exists in your religion of choice).
So if I hit some pearly gates when I die, sign me up for Hell please…
I guess I just agree with your statement… but take mild issue with “good”.
Hell was never a thing in the abraham religions in the first place. The closest thing to it Sheol in the old testament, and that’s just what they called the earth you’re buried in.
Oh I’m aware,
That’s part of why Orthadox Jews believe only some certain thousands (30k?) of people will go to heaven. But I’m no expert. It’s all shenanigans anyway. Part of my point I suppose. Even by their own logic I’m not interested in what they think the better option for afterlife is… simply because it doesn’t reward by any valid “merit” system. Just “belief” in many cases.
I was just adding to your points. Tossing in some knowledge for the audience at home.
Shenanigans is a great word for all of it, i like that.
The Lake of Fire is actually a happening beach resort run by Satan’s failson. He calls himself the antichrist: his name is Doug.
Well, that’s what the marketing says. It’s actually the lake of Fyre.
I know that’s what you have read but it may not be true. :)
I believe our task here is to try and become better people, better souls. And that our choices every day matters a lot more than we think.
I don’t believe in a vengeful god at all. I don’t think anyone gets punished, even evil people. Because evil creates what some people need to evolve here in this realm.
To me it makes sense it’s more of a school for souls. Everything I see around me represents suffering, because that’s how we learn to overcome it and grow. It’s an evil place because people make it so, in order to grow.
Good for you, but the literature says otherwise.
Nah, you’re all wrong and you’re all gonna burn!
There’s a whole lot of moral judgement involved too.
So you have to believe, but if you’re bad you clearly didn’t actually believe or you’d have repented and changed. And no, bad is not relative, that’s the point of having a God decide what is acceptable.
Downvoters and reporters: I believe this person was speaking on behalf of crazy religious people in an effort to explain what they believed. Looking at their post history, I do not think they actually believe what they are saying.
Feel free to correct me on this.
I know it does. :) It was my first sentence above.
Did you downvote me for not agreeing with you?
Take the downvote like a reasonable person.
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Does anyone who identifies as a person of color spell “color” with a u?
Living Colour?
That’s a cult of personality.
US influence doesn’t reach beyond its borders.
You live in the United States of Planet Earth, huh?
Psst, they have black people in the UK.
Is there a reference here I’m missing?
The Bible.
Religious fantasies are hella weird.
I don’t get it. Why are you reaching for the police officers weapon?
Suicide by cops
deleted by creator
why are people so obsessed with death?
What, that unavoidable thing that takes from us the one thing most of us cherish dearly? Yeah, real strange we fixate on that.
I don’t really want to die.
I had a 97 year old tell me last week she hope she dies soon. Eventually we will all have enough when we are suffering in lots of pain.
Death ultimately isn’t something to be afraid of, it becomes the manner of death which gains significance.
there is no afterlife.
There was no beforelife either. It didn’t bother you then.
You guys didn’t get a beforelife?
Actually my “religion” The Church of the SubGenius believes there is an afterlife, and that it is also the beforelife. PRA’BOB!
no, but what bothers me is the life im living right now, dispite the shitty stuff going on in the world, does not want to end.
People have forgotten humor, poetry and romance. I love a good sword fight as much as the next man, but there’s more to life.
It’s my desire to enter the Bards College. My parents are hesitant, but I pray they let me attend.The owner class has made life a meaningless farce of exploitation for most. No time or resources to indulge reasonable hobbies, maintain our bodies, even to have a family, though we are encouraged to have them without the resources to so we may create a new generation of desperate, hopeless capital batteries for the owner class to consume.
A meaningless farce that death is the only escape from, as their prescription of relinquishing your entire identity in service to their further enrichment, ie embracing “that grind culture, bruh” is a fate so dark and perverse that it makes death look like a mercy.
Their grind culture zombies are the most pathetic individuals I have ever interacted with. Dead eyes with a stepford smile. Profit husks.