Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • Depends on what you’re wanting to learn. I’m a fellow tech illiterate noob, but I’ve been off and on with Linux since like 2006. Finally switched full time a few years ago. Honestly, with Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora I’ve found you basically can just set it and forget it, depending on your use case. YouTube has been my best friend whenever I have a problem, normally I type my issue into that before even google. How long have you been using Linux? If you’re still in the distro hopping phase,I suggest trying to swap Desktop environments instead of distros, as it gives you a little experience with the terminal, is well documented on how to do it, and gives you a good idea of what kind of UI you want

    That’s all I got, though. I really am pretty illiterate at tech stuff haha

  • As someone who grew up at the height of the potter craze, and was well and truly entrenched in it (stood in line for the books, read them through without sleeping, went to events, et cetera) I can honestly say that the first earthsea book is legitimately better than the potter books. I’ll never be able to hate the HP books, despite despising JKR, but a wizard of earthsea is just much better written. It’s so freaking good, and tells it’s story in such a charming and completely unique way.

  • When I was very little, we lived in a house like that, except not in bad condition. Long story, but we were quite wealthy, and then very suddenly, never again. Lol.

    Anyway, my brother and I decided it would be fun to sled down the stairs one day, and toward the bottom of the stairs one of us hit one of those little metal strips that held the carpet down on the stairs with the edge of the sled. When my dad was fixing it later they discovered that the stairs lifted up Munsters style, and there was an entire room down there, under the floor, with a tunnel that lead God knows where.

    Turns out it wasn’t satanists, but was in fact part of the underground rail road, and was used by folks smuggling slaves up north. Ridiculously cool to thing to have in your house