I’m 13 and I loove conservative style or their music (kid rock). 1st question is…I don’t hate immigrants. Do I have to do it if I wanna be a real conservative? And also I’m a loving person so, am I not conservative for that? I have nothing to be hateful about in my life.
I confirmed with the user, satire (of https://web.archive.org/web/20250310142429/https://www.advicenators.com/qview.php?q=605715) not actually 13
Real conservatives hate everything
Except the past, which should be conserved.
No they hate that too. They love only an idealized fiction they saw on TV
It’s not about hate specifically, it’s about being told what to think. They are heavily manipulated and that’s it. What they repeat what is force fed to them and don’t have the commen sense or overall intelligence to think for themselves and analyze things with critizlcal thinking. They just do…
You can have a few immigrants to not hate, as long as they’re from a symbolically useful group like white South African farmers fleeing “white genocide” or (if you’re cautious) anti-communist Cubans.
ok so i signed up JUST to answer this ok so YES you do need to hate immigrants to be conservative conservative is IN NO WAY a style/fashion im sorry i just HATE when people act like it is and by the sound of it youd be better off neoliberal look it up haha i love you for asking this really phew glad i got that off my chest hope this helped (46 year old patriot) by the way i person can seem loving even if conservative i suppose but still NEOLIBERAL bye
Why would you just go and say that?
OP If you like the ‘conservative’ style then go for it. ‘Conservative’ does not mean you have to hate immigrants. Infact hating immigrants is related to anxiety and anxiety is related to mental disorders. Be a leader not a follower…
You should be who YOU are, Not what others say you should be. I do nt know where you got the hating immigrants idea from but not every ‘conservative’ hates immigrants and those that do? Need help to stop. It is not something they do to be cool or fit in…
Be yourself and stop worring what people think about you
Psst! It’s a joke!
Psst, so is the post you replied to!
Psst, I didn’t reply to a post, I replied to a comment!
The important thing is to know where you stand on the issue of conserves vs jam. If you prefer conserves, then you can call yourself conservative. If you prefer jams, then you’re better identifying as a jammy dodger.
If you like them both more or less equally then you’re a doughnut hole.
unsure if this is bait, what kinds of themes do you like about conservatism, other than a specific artist?
Um, I saw this link and it really spoke to me. https://www.advicenators.com/qview.php?q=605715 I also love how they have lots of flags and talk about how nice it is to be rich. I wish I was but maybe I can listen to them and they’ll tell me how to.
Unsecure link, me no clicky
Emo music? Wtf that as to do with conservatives…
Am I being punked?
From their post history, I’m assuming they’re just having a laugh.
deleted by creator
That link is a decade old discussion of why emos cut themselves, which is highly simplified. I would not put too much stock into that discussion, if it really is what you are drawing “inspiration” from.
Like whatever music you like, it doesn’t have to be be your identity. I listen to all kinds of rap music, and I am not from the hood, I don’t really do drugs, and the disrespect shown to women is not really my thing. But the songs are catchy, so I listen to them. Music has tended to be a separator at your age, even when I was in school. Rap kids vs rock kids vs country kids. Just be you, and listen to what you want.
I would also say Liberals aren’t anti-rich. People can still have wealth under liberalism, it’s more the ultra rich; billions and billions of dollars is wildly excessive and you don’t really get there without the exploitation of others. You seem to like rock music; let me suggest a few bands.
The Whole World is Watching by The Walking Papers is a pretty great song imo; it’s bluesy rock with some “aggressive” style singing. No screamo, but some power behind the voice.
Sound and Silence by Dead Poet Society is also a good one I’ve been listening to a bit.
Political affiliation has nothing to do with hate. We as humans are capable of hate no matter our beliefs.
That said the converse is also true.