God gives his strongest soldiers the hardest battles. 😢
That sounds like Subway to me. They like making mayo sandwiches for some reason.
Light mayonnaise, please
proceeds to drown sandwich in it
Even if you dont ask for it! One time I just got done ordering my sandwich, they grab the mayo bottle and say “you want mayo?” Then jizz out half the bottle all over it before I can say no.
As an ex sandwich artist, now sandwich artiste (I quit and do it at home for myself now):
I STARTED putting normal amounts of mayo. My owner was 1st Gen Chinese and frugal as fuck so she drove that into us “1 line, half if they ask for light, 2 line if say more” were her exact words
Sooooooooooo many people said “more. No, more” that we all started defaulting to more when someone asked
Ah, you wanted light regular mayonnaise, not lite mayonnaise
I call it the exploding mouth of mayonnaise technique.
Normally they don’t give me nearly enough. Until one time I made it extra special clear that I wanted a bukkake in paper.
I got what I asked for and reluctantly ate every bit of it over like four days lol. I have a picture somewhere but I’m too lazy to find it.
If anyone else has a hard time with getting subs: I’m free.
Lol I read it the same way friend. I guess one can leave the life, but it never leaves you.
Feddit schwappt über
Tbh, the only connections you’ll make with messages like this are fake internet doms who don’t really care about you/your limits and try to push your boundaries. 0/10 would not recommend
Someone literally got killed for that.
I believe it was a subway and when they found an absolute shit ton of mayo on their sandwich they actually killed the person and shot another…
Well that is the whitest thing I’ve heard today.
The colour of peoples skin does very little to determine their personality or character, this comment is nothing but reinforcing racist thinking that plagues society. Consider just not making race based stereotypes for the betterment of humanity.
Race is a social construct.
Why tell me instead if the person using it to define people’s personalities based on their skin color?
I’m not referring to skin color, but the social construct.
Sure, the kkk do the same thing I’m sure.
Statements like yours do nothing but reinforce racism no matter how you secretly mean it in your head.
I’m a white person making a joke about white people. Stop trying to win the Oppression Olympics.
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If your biggest stress is mayo in your sub, you have an easy life.
Not always true, a lot of the time people with serious issues have trouble with smaller issues because they’re anxious and stressed but unable to mentally address the larger issues.
Weakly: “No… No… You already used a whole jar, don’t get another…” 😴
Relevant https://youtu.be/hX07NFted28
lol I came looking for this. I can’t watch the whole video because I get so upset.
Man thats bullshit, I ask for extra mayo and all they give me is a vague hint of mayo.
“oh you just want me to clean my knife on your bread from where I used it last?” I’m with you, complete bullshit.
I mean let’s be honest, everyone has had a nightmare about mayo at some point in their lives.
I have a similar beef with bagel places. I love bagels and I love cream cheese … but I do not need a 3/4" thick hockey puck of fucking cream cheese on my bagel.
I’ll have your extra.
Sorry again, locking this thread because it’s becoming weird.
This made me laugh a lot more than one might expect. Got a little light headed.
Mayo belongs on no sandwich. I’ve never voluntarily chosen a sandwich with mayo and never enjoyed it on any I accidentally picked.