Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’s most northern state, is starting its switch from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice, and is planning to move from Windows to Linux on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions.

Concerns over data security are also front and center in the Minister-President’s statement, especially data that may make its way to other countries. Back in 2021, when the transition plans were first being drawn up, the hardware requirements for Windows 11 were also mentioned as a reason to move away from Microsoft.

Saunders noted that “the reasons for switching to Linux and LibreOffice are different today. Back when LiMux started, it was mostly seen as a way to save money. Now the focus is far more on data protection, privacy and security. Consider that the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) recently found that the European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365 breaches data protection law for EU institutions and bodies.”

    6 months ago

    Ad I said yesterday when this was posted. They tried this about 15 years ago, reverted to Windows after a few years.

    I wish them all the luck in the world with this, truly. But I’m not sure a government has the drive, management, and flexibility to pull this off successfully.

    If we want to see Linux compete with Windows for the desktop, it will need to start at the opposite end of the spectrum: small environments where the need for specialized apps is minimal, IT is a smaller group, flexibility is much higher, end users are a smaller group (from a training perspective) and reduced cost realizations are more apparent and impactful.

    We may be seeing the beginning of this with VMWare’s new, exorbitant licensing costs causing a push to other solutions such as Proxmox/TrueNAS for virtualization/virtualization backup in the SMB.

    And if we really want to see a sea change, we need to get Linux as a desktop in education. But that would require settling on a single shell, and generally a single distribution (or at a minimum ensure there’s a consistent set of tools in the OS).

    Seems like an “Education Build” would be a great idea. But, again, who’s going to back it, and which Linux distro gets the nod?

        6 months ago

        “Linux could have the desktop now”

        And yet doesn’t.

        Again, why do enterprises prefer to pay tens of millions per year in licensing rather than deploy Linux as a desktop?

        You think these places don’t have hundreds or thousands of IT folks with Linux expertise?

          6 months ago

          Blame game, simple.

          Proprietary software comes with a price tag (some people think free = bad), a license (which implies some sort of ownership) and a company behind it which you can sue if something hits the fan. Zero responsibility for the licensee.

          FOSS, in the other hand, is no strings attached (for the most part, some sw is dual-licensed and/or there are paid services): if it hits the fan, you clean it up.

          So proprietary-mentality managers either cough up money for an IT department, which they almost never do, or fork off money to a proprietary company and write it off as an expense and externalize everything, including resposibility.