• kromem@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It doesn’t need to be aliens.

    Gourch was very clear to dismiss extraterrestrial origins. And his boss’s quoted denial to Congress claimed there was no evidence of extraterrestrial origin.

    The same theoretical physics Gourch discussed (effectively wormholes) to travel faster than light is the same principle to travel through time (i.e. spacetime).

    Earth has only been sending out detectable signals of intelligence for around a century which would have reached a max radius of around a hundred light years.

    That’s not a lot of area for extraterrestrial life to have come from to give a crap about visiting us.

    But would future Earth be interested in visiting past Earth?

    Would that origin maybe be more likely to be flying in formations like our own pilots do?

    Or more likely to have tech tailored to explicitly target our modern radar systems to disable them?

    It’s much more of a leap to arrive at extraterrestrial life being aware of and interested in Earth and humanity so early on in our signals production to come so frequently that sightings are commonplace, and yet be using tech and behaviors that are closer to a far future version of our own rather than something that seemed to have evolved entirely separately.

    If this is some physics breaking origin, it’s from our own future, not from some odd corner of space.

    • SCB@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      There is no way to make any assessment on what is “most likely” given the information we have.

      All we can do is continue to unpack.