it was on one of these threads over 6 months ago someone asked how things were going and i mentioned her cancer diagnosis. feels right to update.
today was her last treatment. prognosis looks great.
fuck cancer
Fuck cancer🖕
Holup, I think we should hear out both sides of the issue and not make any condemnations just like that.
Kidding, of course. Fuck cancer.
“Fuck Cancer!” So much for the tolerant left. /s
Seriously Fuck Cancer and horse it rode in on.
Us who are part of cancer research thank you for these updates. They make the long hours less of a burden.
Yeah, i know a meme is kinda flippant, but so are words from a rando on the internet… Your work is appreciated. Thanks to the work of folks like you, an old buddy got to spend an extra year or so with his wife and kids.
Hell yeah :)
That’s fucking awesome. I don’t know y’all, but that put a smile on my face, because every win against cancer is a beautiful thing. Here’s to y’all having a long and happy life!
thank you!
it really felt like living in the future, and not the experience i expected from media. cancer drugs have come a long way from even a decade ago. the rather invasive surgeries were robotic, and precise. very weird, but in a good way.
Meanwhile we just learned that my FiL’s chemo was all for nothing and we need to start planning for his end of life care… 65 years old, won’t make it to 66, it fucking sucks.
I’m so sorry. May it be as least-painful as possible, for him and all of you.
With all the shit going on in the world, it’s great to hear some good news!
Congratz and thanks for sharing!
Fuck Cancer.
Wonderful news! I wish your wife the best of health 🙏
Score one for our side!
Fuck cancer!
We are in the same club. My wife had surgery and chemo for colon cancer last year. She’s testing clean. We are hopeful that it’s all behind us now. But the neuropathy from the chemo is still very bad. It may be another full year of that.
the neuropathy
yep, this is the one side affect shes kinda terrified of.
Dude that’s so awesome. I’m pumped for you guys.
That’s incredible, what a relief. Happy for you all! Enjoy
Congratulations dude!
Congrats and fuck cancer.
This either prompted a Baader–Meinhof phenomenon for me, or I heard you on the radio this morning. I practically never listen on the radio, don’t really remember hearing the term “ring the bell” before reading your post here. Would be fun if the world was that small.