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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • OP missed the fun bit after the tunnel bombing:

    The first cargo train exploded directly in the Severomuysky tunnel.

    To continue transportation, the Russians began to use the detour route through the so-called Devil’s Bridge — a 35-meter high viaduct structure, which is part of the Trans-Siberian Railway. At that point, SBU saboteurs struck again.

    “When the train was passing over this 35-meter high bridge, the explosive devices embedded in it went off,” the same official added.

  • So from another comment:

    I could also picture this leading to so many different unsafe situations. Leaving a bad area of town at night after a show? Great, the system kicks in and disables your car leaving you stranded and at risk of robbery or kidnapping or assault whether you stay with your car or try to seek another ride. Driving home to a rural area in freezing weather with no cell service? Well, the system thinks you’re impaired so it disabled your car, leaving you at risk of hypothermia, sorry. Stressed because you’re late to a job interview? Sorry, the system determined you are driving in safely and disabled your car, so guess you won’t make it. It’s solidly dystopian. !squiblet

    As anyone who has ever had to have an interlock in their car can tell you, the Police give 0 fucks if the interlock messes up on its own giving an “abnormality” then they’re dragging you to court and/or jail while they figure it out.

    Any system that can be used to monitor citizens will be, ex. the NSA and the revelations that caused an American hero to have to hide in a literal dictatorial country. You can’t trust the government or law enforcement with any information. PERIOD.