Wh…why is there lube on my puzzle? ಠ_ಠ
Don’t get me wrong though… throwing an LLM at it would be a lot easier and faster. Just a mind boggling use of resources for a task that could probably be done more efficiently :D
Setting this up with Apache Solr and a suitable search frontend runs a high risk of becoming an abandoned side project itself^^
Oh, no need to wait for LLMs. Apache Solr should be really good at it. We used it at a company I was working at to build the most kickass search into our platform, that would actually find the stuff you were looking for…and that was back in 2018 :D
Oh jeez. Did the front fall off?
This is an outrage! 🧐
Honestly, I think this was probably the initial product idea for this Microsoft Recall shit. If I could have something like that running locally, open-source and with a non-insane security architecture, I’d never again use a folder in my life.
Dump it all to ~/mytrashpile
and let the AI figure out what I want I’m looking for 😄
Yeeeah for me it’s https://readeck.org/en/ …but same :D
These ideas are getting refined by fermenting in my tab stack!
What is this!? Mama didn’t raise no bottom!
Me: I miss MySpace Tom…
The fediverse: We have MySpace Tom at home.
MySpace Tom at home:
The world ended in 2025 when the recursive Wikipedia Omniroll consumed all available matter
WTF who invited Cruella de Vil to Congress?
Also, you’d think the title was edited for meme-ing purposes…but no. This is just dead ass what they printed in The Lancet 😂
I have SO many questions
RMS: gestures at GCC and the whole GNU/Linux ecosystem Look man, all I wanted to do was to print this letter to my ma…
Absolutely cursed 😂
Bam! Right in the brood sack
truly a champion for free speech 🤡