any chance you smoke weed to help with that depression? Cannabinoid hyperemesis might be worth looking into
one of my (very shy) discord friends posted an accidental face reveal from a photo of their dog, reflected in the pupil.
New phones have absurdly good cameras
thanks, lena! nice to meet you too!
I like the way it sounds, and i like the pun. Can't bully me if I've already made a joke about it. As a bonus, I can sign my initials and have it be both deadname and realname depending on the angle
I'm amanda :)
Not really, but kind of. I was always interested in women and men, but realizing i was trans helped me understand what i was feeling towards women was jealousy not sexual attraction. Unfortunately being attracted to men as a transwoman is kind of a nasty catch22 as my hands were too big for the straight men and the gay men really just wanted a twink. (generalizing here, not all men, etc etc)
So I became mostly aromanic, satisfied with just like... flings with guys online. soft catfishing for quick e-sex, and then I met my girlfriend, who makes me feel like I've never loved anyone except her. And we lived happily ever after
i feel like it's more a diagnosis of last resort than something to jump to first off, especially if it doesn't really line up with your usage, but I'm not sure what else it could be if the doctors don't think those meds/combination of meds would cause nausea.
I'm on 6mg estradiol daily, 100spiro for 2 years, and new progesterone, with no nausea. Never been on the other stuff you mentioned tho