• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Det er en anden måde at sige at sammenhængen er så tydelig, at de er overbevist om at det er luftforurening der skader hjernen.

    Men uden faktisk at bevise biologisk hvordan specifikke stoffer skader specifikke hjernceller helt konkret, så kan statistikken aldrig bruges som et endelig bevis.

    Det er meget normalt med korrelations studier, de kan aldrig bevise en egentlig kausalitet. Men hvis korrelationen er overordentlig tydelig, og der virker logisk at sammenhængen skulle være der, så er det sandsynliggjort tilstrækkeligt til at man bør handle på det.

    Ergo, det er noget vi bør handle efter, fordi indicierne er så overbevisende.

  • Individuals choosing not to have kids should pay an extra tax that should go to the ones having children.

    Choosing not to have children is a perfecly acceptable individual choice, but the consequence is that you become a net negative for the economy.

    Taking on the burden of child-raising is an essential task that is net positive for the economy, which has been way underappreciated for too long.

  • I have an app where I register when I take my meds, and which meds.

    I make sure to absolutely always tap the app while taking the meds. No taking meds and then going to find the phone, or tapping the app and then take the meds. Always do it simoultaniously.

    With that rule in place, I know that I can 100% trust the app in telling me if I have taken them or not.

    This works really great for me.