Buy DRM free music instead of streaming it.
Buy DRM free music instead of streaming it.
"‘I’m going to Gaza City. It’s enough. We need to go back to our homes and lands. We are tired of displacement… we heard people saying we can go back, but no one official told us. We’ll leave it to God,’ Majd El-Aqqad said. "
That was a phenomenally stupid thing to decide to just walk into an invading army based on gossip. Predictably horrible outcome.
“You can cross the veil at will” makes me think about Medium.
In the USA, you can’t even use a landline or a office voip phone. Must use an active cell phone number.
Why else would I own a Playstation? Single player games are the only reason. Didn’t want to wait a year for a game to come to PC.
That’s just about when it got a bit more watchable.
One of the first things I do on a new Samsung phone is disable Chrome and install Firefox. You’ve just saved me from ever buying a Redmi.
Some jerk company (like Google) cannot suddenly discontinue my entire reader with all my feeds, because its mine, on my server. But because it’s a web app, I can use it from any device, unlike a local app. After Google killed reader, That was just too annoying. Self hosted since.
I really enjoyed Star Trek: Klingon, on PC back in the day. It was officer cultural sensitivity holodeck training for the officer exchange program. You had to make decisions appropriate to Klingon social customs. It was bundled with a Klingon language learning program with speech recognition tech. Very cool stuff for 1996 CD-ROM games.
I promise, you’re unlikely to see an “everyday American” driving an F650. There might be a literal handful of exceptions out there somewhere, but most people will only ever see this in industrial applications. Most often you’ll see a 650 outfitted with a cargo bed or a (extra large, for towing big rigs) wrecker setup, or something large, robust, and industrial like that. This is just a publicity/marketing stunt. 99% of Ford F350 and larger trucks you will ever see will be industrial/cargo/heavy equipment moving/etc. industrial job vehicles. It’s even relatively common to buy the truck, and buy the bed you need for your industrial application, custom. This is not something you’ll see set up like a pickup truck in very many American driveways. The handful of those exceptions are the same sort of enthusiast niche that will hot rod customize to a ridiculous impractical degree a regular car, just to say they can. Very small group.
Freshrss is pretty great.
Here I am, 9 days past the listed date, and my factory unlocked S22 Ultra just got the October security patch. sigh Unlocked model owners always left until last.
A huge percentage comes down to this. Don’t treat women as objects or aliens. They’re people.
Lucky you, to live where there is a passenger train.
You should include what country you are talking about. I know nobody in the USA who had an arranged marriage in the 1950s. They met partners at school, church, and neighborhood/extended family picnics and parties for the most part. They met in stores, libraries, and cafes. We have to maintain public casual community spaces. To paraprhase a Sociology professor I once had: you can’t marry someone you never meet. It requires talking to other humans to make even casual friends.
Thank you for sharing the information!
I’m sorry, but are you being this snotty for any other reason than to make yourself feel better for being rude?
Desperation is often the cause of stupidity. Walking into an invading army while unarmed is never a wise survival strategy. Show me one single time in History where this went well for most of the people involved.