• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2021


  • Really expensive over here, so people only buy them for status basically. Having an iPhone signifies that you’re well off enough to not worry about price.

    I had a friend who said exactly this. She was just buying it to show off basically. She didn’t even believe me when I said the back was glass for some reason lol. And when she got it, she had to get used to counter-intuitive behaviour like the power button cutting a WhatsApp call. She did this multiple times on a call with me, it was pretty funny!

    Another friend kinda regrets buying it now because he feels locked in to the Apple ecosystem.

    Personally, I don’t think I’ll ever switch because F-Droid is a huge part of my phone experience. When my Pixel runs out of support, I’ll probably just root it.

    It’s a great phone. Solid hardware, good software. Just not for me.

  • I think it’s a little uncharitable to Sync to characterise it like this. Yes, it collects personal data to show ads. However, you have the choice to refuse or pay a one time fee to get rid of it entirely. It’s the nonconsensual nature of data collection that robs users of their agency that makes it problematic.

    Devs need to eat and donations are not always a realistic revenue scheme. With the one time fee, Sync has signalled it cares about its users and not just value extraction like Big Tech. I will probably pay that and be happy.

    I like Liftoff, I also like Sync. I use both atm.

  • I think people have already answered your question. Just to add on, think about stuff that happened before the creation of an IP regime. Were people not creating things back then?

    I would also like to clarify that I’m not talking about forcing people to reveal their secrets. If you want to keep your thing a secret, you’re welcome to. But, there should be no state prosecution if that thing gets made public.

    And I do buy things if I enjoyed them and want to reward the creators. When I was a poor kid with no funds, I pirated a lot of videogames. Now that I’m a slightly older kid with some funds, I buy the games that I enjoy and my game piracy has gone down a lot. Without piracy, these future sales from me would have been lost because I probably wouldn’t care about videogames. Not a justification, just my feelings.