Well now I'm sold!
Create demand
Provide supply
Economics 101
I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by the concept of salt undergoing metamorphosis
Action Role-Playing Game
Basically a game focusing on levelling up your character to become your preferred version of killing machine, as opposed to maybe more of a diplomat or a rogue in what you would find in a typical Role-Playing Game (RPG)
FWIW the latest Grim Dawn patch has implemented a dash action you can use to avoid AoEs or get into the thick of things
Not quite the same thing as what you're referring to, but a step up from the brain off "click to attack until target is dead" of other ARPGs
Unfortunately there aren't a lot of Pocos in my region
And do you have a preferred ROM you use?
I've heard that unlocking the bootloader is a bit of a mission. Have you got any experience with that?
My tired brain looked at the thumbnail and thought that CRINK was some new onomatopoeia for wine glasses being tapped together
Why does the USA have jurisdiction over what TSMC (a Taiwanese company, AFAIK) does with their manufacturing tools, even if they come from the US?
One of my favourite quotes to bring up whenever someone is cooking
I am very popular in the kitchen