The writing surely goes for high amp drama
www.WakeIndra.com - a WWW Opera about FInnegans Wake / War and Peace in the Global Village.
The writing surely goes for high amp drama
Tech Billionaires Need to Stop Trying to Make the Science Fiction They Grew Up on Real
I used to work for Paul Allen, managed his social media messaging systems and was an internal consultant (integrating systems when Seahawks were purchased, etc) in the late 1990’s…
Paul Allen was inspired by science fiction of Carl Sagan’s “Contact”, and build the Allen SETI array. It isn’t all bad.
I mean Futurama told us they go well into the future.
in what way? the music lyrics didn’t connect?
It sounds like you like outer-space… I also like sci fi that’s earthbound. 12 Monkeys, Donnie Darko - these are psychologically oriented.
So I see that YouTube is offering a free trial (USA) of Showtime + Paramount Plus… for 7 days. Does that mean I get to use YouTube’s streaming/app?
I can see how it can be appealing. Makes for good storytelling at the very least.
That’s what I really like. It’s fiction and people can get their good storytelling. I wish they would stop electing leaders who behave against the future of humanity.
… I’m probably not the first to point out that Star Trek they do a lot of walking, they don’t go transporting everywhere. Why wouldn’t the Golden Gate be a pedestrian crossing… just for the view. I don’t get why you would write it that way, it isn’t really humor, it’s just lazy.
EDIT: ok, the Ketracel-white hot sauce was the quality of joke I was expecting ;) The NOLA culture stuff is great.
The video is fine… I’m asking what is in the drink, served at Quarks…
Canadian Club 100% Rye Canadian Whisky?
What’s in it? Something Canadian?
is “fire-baton” a taken name for drinks? Please share if you know…
I found “fire-tongs”, haha, https://germanfoods.org/recipes/fire-tongs-punch/
I thought Stewart wrote the song, but the on-show singer was someone else.
people did react that way, but I liked the song well enough, and grew to like it more.
M’Benga describes the Kherkovians as inscrutable, interdimensional beings that don’t experience space and time the way we do. They sound more and more like they could be related to the Prophets.
They sure had a concept of time on shutting out feedback about mistakes in their remedy.
who notes that the complaint is lodged out of the response period.
I surely got some nods to Bender becoming human in Futurma season 4. The bacon eating scene, surely a Matt Groening reference to Homer’s love for pork, and Bender went wild on nachos and hot dogs.
Same here. Had to purge everything, as all I would get was site errors.