The US military is sworn to protect the constitution.
It’s time for them to do some protecting.
The US military is sworn to protect the constitution.
It’s time for them to do some protecting.
I have a friend who was a student during the revolution in Iran. They had high hopes for the country post-Shah but very quickly realized that it had gone wrong and left to move to Canada. The military is the final line of defense. That are sworn to protect the constitution. The only thing that can save the US now is if the military does its duty.
When the leopards have eaten their faces?
I think that there are some Trumpers who will continue to insist that it was all a political witch hunt by the leftist pedophile drag queen deep state even then.
He’s too busy banning paper straws and taking away his enemies security clearances to annex Canada.
At what point do the Trumpers finally acknowledge that Trump doesn’t give a shit about them, isn’t doing anything to help them, and has installed a billionaire oligarchy tearing apart the institutions of government that help and protect them?
Hey, Trumpers! How is this going to make eggs less expensive?
My original comment was about reeducation and wealth redistribution . The French perfected THAT process with the guillotine. I didn’t say anything about revolution until the fact that things got messy in France 15 years after the orgy of head removals. The French perfected the process of separating the wealthy and powerful from their heads. That has nothing to do with the fact that revolutions are often messy (other than all the corpses and blood they had to deal with.)
No, the arguments WERE bad faith. They were reductio ad absurdum. Reductive bludgeoning of someone you don’t agree with is bad faith. He wasn’t discussing my point, he was arguing pedantically that I had contradicted myself which I had clearly not. You want to have a grown up discussion about the topic, fine? You want to play stupid word games I’m out.
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Both, pedant. The French perfected the process of lopping off the heads of the powerful and wealthy. They did an extremely good, extremely efficient job of that. In the long term things will likely be messy for a while while things sort themselves out.
Keep up the wet blanketing, though, you’re doing your best.
It’s going to happen despite the wet blanketing.
“Unexpectedly”? Everyone but the MAGA idiots expected it.