Same for gaming industry or even the biggest company like apple. Appease the ccp or you’re not allowed to sell your product in China.
And the New York episode.
Adding to this: This is basically turning solar energy in stored energy. Solar power-> growing Plants-> Man eats Plants-> kinetic energy-> storage
Simply take a solar panel and a battery.
Tbh. I think religion should always be a private thing and should have no place in public.
War ne ernst gemeinte Frage. Wahrscheinlich bin ich einfach alt, aber vor 15 Jahren war „winfuture“ die letzte Bude um sich seriös Infos zu holen.
Ist winfuture mittlerweile eine richtige Quelle?
For people that wonder „hey there are deserts full of sand“, that is a different sand. To built things you need sand with edges. The sand in the deserts is round.
Vielleicht liegt es an der App die ich nutze (Mlem) aber hier wird mir als Name „vegan“ angezeigt.
We had the same problem here in our company. Don’t use theirs drives.