There was nothing noteworthy on floor 1.
Also, China (on question of bombs being too modern for middle ages).
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There was nothing noteworthy on floor 1.
Also, China (on question of bombs being too modern for middle ages).
I assume it's empty like 10, 13, and 15, and not technically cut off? But I'm totally guessing there - I don't actually know what this is supposed to show.
Bombs have been in the game since who knows when. Also gunpowder was discovered in China, 2500 BCE, I think.
Your violent made me curious, learned bombs are 11th century.
1st: that's still medieval times 2nd: I said GUNPOWDER, not bombs. Bombs are made of gunpowder. Therefore, medieval bombs are possible. 3rd: Bombs are in other versions, so, I still don't know what that has to do with not updating. 4th: my violent? What does that even mean?
Chill dude.
Violent: autocorrect from comment.
As a 3rd party, the only one being a jerk here is you.
What point are you talking abt? When was I a jerk? As I alr said, 9th century are medieval times. Just because I disagreed with you (while you were actually wrong) doesn't mean that I'm a jerk lmao. I didn't call you dumb. Nor did I ever question your education. Why are you questioning me? Btw, that's an ad hominem fallacy, which disproves your point entirely.