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Sounds like a case-less sausage.
That's being generous. It's mildly spicy paste. There's probably more meat in a single small breakfast link than in an entire brick of scrapple.
I'd like to try it.
Scrapple is great, but livermush is better by a tiny bit.
It's about the process and recipe, they're essentially the same thing
We call it liver pudding where I'm from, and it's great! I love me an egg, cheese, and liver pudding sandwich on an English muffin.
That is indeed an excellent breakfast. Or lunch. Or anything lol
No joke: I went to a diner tonight and ordered a liver pudding, egg, and American cheese sandwich on an English muffin for dinner. It was glorious! Also hash browns and one slice of French toast.
American, English, and French food combo.
Nice :)
That's got me hungry now lol