cross-posted from:
transcript [text overlaid on several pictures of benches and outside windowsills. the benches have bars, or gaps to prevent someone from sleeping on them.
text reads “Ban anti-homeless arctithecture”]
Hostile architecture is among the symptoms of the hostile modern city, where neighbours never say hi, and people die on the streets as people walk passivly by.
My brain subconsciously corrects as I read so I often don’t see errors.
I am way too tried to summarize Stirner, I’d think I’d rather try to explain quantum physics to a five year old(exaggeration).
Yeah real police reforms would be nice. Anarchism I would say isn’t necessarily a simple policy change, yes anarchist have short term goals, but it’s really more of a ongoing process, for me less about a finite end of history but trying to build a space of respect for autonomy no mater how ephemeral.
A book on that subject for when you have time: