• 106 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve not been banning people just for the word vote, I’ve been banning people for telling others to vote or who to vote for.

    Do you really expect an anarchist space to have a rule against criticizing members of the political class?

    This community was created because users where concerned an other community was going to drop a similar rule, this community has been growing since it started so there are people that I’m assuming do approved of the rules.

    I will throw you a bone, I’ve rewriten the rule & it will include telling people not to vote. I’m not going to tell anarchist they can’t criticize a member of the political class.

    As someone who was a politico/political activist(seeing the sausage cracked out made me an anarchist), minding the people who are already committed supporters, phone banking to remind people to vote, taking people to voting polls, & calling people who’s mail in ballets have been rejected so they can fix it, is going to be far more effective then browbeating randos online about the lesser evil.

  • Nah, the shit take is being reddit level pedantic in order to bootlick, you know very well what we mean by “{insert shitbag} is a cop”

    Kamala “Oink Oink Piggy Piggy Pig Fuck” Harris fucked over trans prisoners, kept prisoners with ‘jobs’ in past the end of their sentence, & covered for corrupt cops & prosecutors and now calls her carrier progressive.

    The truth is the two parties are closer on most issues then people like to think & every dem president in my lifetime has cracked down on brown immigrants to use them as a scapegoat for socialeconomic problems the political class dosen’t want to deal with & dems are perfectly down with packing prisons with people who broke bullshit law to use as slave labor, that’s pretty fascy in my book.