Yyyeeeeesss time to miss my stop in the bus, walk back and be hit by a car cause I was playing shattered while crossing the street!!
Pixel Dungeon
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Eyo what? Did this actually happen to you?
I love the new mechanics trinkets offer. However, it is odd that some trinkets provide direct buffs (like the one that increases enchantment rates) particularly when it's con of increasing curse rates can be completely eliminated by upgrading it, or the increased odds of dropping items from grass, while other trinkets are only situationally good, like the 13 leaf clover(inverts bell curve rng)and the one that increases the odds a level is the flooded or overgrown variant. I think that the idea of trinkets offering variability to runs is great, but when some trinkets are undeniably better than others, it promotes wiping runs if you don't roll the trinket you want, as well as making some trinkets almost obsolete. Fantastic work, but some tweaking needs to be done imo. Overall, though, it feels bad to complain about a game that is undeniably 10/10. Keep up the great work, man.
This is something that I'll likely address over time via balance patches, but the actual balance of something doesn't always match with player expectations. It's early so numbers are a bit rough, but so far the mossy clump has a MUCH higher success rate than the parchment scrap, likely because of all the extra seeds and dew it can generate. Rather than assuming what's best, I prefer to get some data in and balance against that and player feedback.
I think the trinkets did a really good job of balancing adding new stuff at the cost of taking away something else.
I think vegetation rooms are the problem instead of just the trinket itself, there's no downside to vegetation rooms, you just get more items and way more room to maneuver.
What about making it so vegetation rooms also increase the chance of fire traps or barricades that require potions of liquid flame?
Or even just more burning traps. Although when you play with the champions challenge the blazing ones will destroy the entire level lol
The more enchantments and more curses trinket has a downside: it costs a lot of energy to upgrade! If you can't afford to upgrade it to +3 right away then you're going to get extra curses over time which end up costing more resources to remove!
With the catalyst only being used for making a trinket now and with goo being probably underused in alchemy i think it would work well for goo to be used in making the trinkets. It kind of works thematically as well since you can think of forming the goo into the items, while still keeping trinkets accessible early game
I would like a system where instead of alchemical energy to craft a trinket, you combined a trinket with a certain item to get a specific trinket with a 100% chance. It would not only provide another use to currently underused items, it would also add some level of consistency to runs. It would probably be a good idea to leave the current random recipe in place though, as an alternate option so you still have a chance of getting the trinket you want even if you can't get the corresponding item for whatever reason.
Question, when will this update come to IOS?
It's already on iOS via Apple's TestFlight platform, and will fully release at the same time as it does on other platforms.