I’m sorry to be the one who breaks this to you but linux is as binary as you can get. Ever wondered what 64 bit means? Bits are quite binary, that’s kind of the definition
With the introduction of the number 2, we goin’ TRINARY!
Fun fact, the reason internet speeds are measure in Bits, not Bytes, is that 8 bits to a Byte is entirely arbitrary and could be changed if there was will to do so.
internet speeds are measured in bits so they can artificially inflate numbers.
cause selling 100mbit sounds a lot meatier than selling 12mbyte.
100 milibits lmao
brb, going to rm -rf /bin
Afterwards you will be running a 63bit system. I challenge you to find the others.
message misunderstood, penis stuck in Linux user
Uhhh I… I’m a Linux user 😳😳😅😫
BTW, TIL learned more pronouns.
Some people give options when sharing their pronouns. For example a non-binary person could use both “he/him/his” and “they/them/theirs” pronouns. - https://www.diversitycenterneo.org/about-us/pronouns/
BSD is furries
Nah, we just prefer the one true Linux mascot.
I wonder what percent of Linux users dual boot.
I don’t think I ever haveI’m just remembering getting a laptop from an employer and going through the effort of partitioning the disk drive down to a bare minimum for Windows and setting up dual boot - I don’t remember actually booting into the Windows side more than a couple of times. This would have been over a decade ago. Either I’ve had a Windows-only machine supplied by my employer, which I wasn’t allowed to mess with at that level; or I’ve had a Linux machine. Even the computers I’ve bought that came with Windows pre-installed, I haven’t even booted into Windows before wiping the storage and installing Linux.I’m not some sort of purist; Windows just makes me angry when I use it - I’ve just always found it a frustrating experience, so I’ve never bothered with dual booting.
It makes me wonder what the distribution is. Are the majority of Linux users dual-booters?
I used to dual boot for some games. Mainly VR stuff. But Windows is always a hassle and super slow.
VR gaming on Linux isn’t ready, huh? Is it the drivers for the hardware, or game availability?
Notice the past tense there.
It should work. I used ALVR with my Quest 1. But I haven’t done it very often as I got too ill for VR gaming.
I have a number of IRL friends who daily drive Linux and we all at least have some small partition or drive installed with Windows on it just in case for that one program. I haven’t used it in over half a year and it was for some Need For Speed Underground 2 mod making tool that I used once and never needed again.
one of these days i need to get on tumblr, seems like a funny site.
im he/they and i dualboot so this checks out
I’m a she/they and I dualboot???
I’m a he/she/they, someone load my proper boot sequence please
this means by law you must configure a triple booting windows/linux/hackintosh, I do not make the rules
That is some high level nerdy dirty talk right there.
Would you say that Windows is cis and Linux is trans?
No. Linux is an operating system. So is Windows. Hardware is hardware. They are not people.
^ Found the real Linux user.
Prolly just another person who doesn’t care what ya do but thinks this entire gender debacle absolutely moronic
Found the transphobe.
Not necessarily, I find it moronic too. Like why is it even a discussion? Let people do what they want. It doesn’t harm anyone and might make them a lot happier.
so what about a windows machine, that was later retrofitted with linux?
You mean every laptop or desktop machine pre-System76?
Kinda, pretty much all complete PCs you buy are assigned windows at sale
New acronym just dropped (AWAS)
And Mac is gay
Hey, no insulting gays!
I switched to Linux around the same time I came out to myself, so yeah…
I just switched to Linux. This’ll be an interesting ride.
I… don’t get it. Is this a reference to distros?
no it’s just tumblr being tumblr, they like weird nonsensical comparisons like these