• FooBarrington@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Another poster has linked you to his video on this topic. Yes, he said some very stupid things to provoke discussions and reactions, and the whole thing was both immature and misguided. But shouldn’t you be able to say “I did some very stupid things and will do better in the future”?

      If he did something similar more recently, I’d be with you - tar and feather him, and exclude him from the community. But he hasn’t (afaik). Mistakes shouldn’t brand you forever, as long as you’re honestly doing better and working against those mistakes.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      You are aware that 18 years old is higher than the age of consent in most of the Developed World, were it’s generally set at 16: in this like in many other things it’s the US that’s the outlier religious nutter of the developed world.

      Not to mention that your “logic” is claiming that somebody who wants to change the law is not law abidding, which is ridiculous: if that person did not care to abide by the law, why change it?!

      No idea what’s the full idea of this guy and if it is or not a good suggestion, but the logic and format of you counter-point has a crazy “only criminals would want to change the law” subservient statist-bitch vibe to it.