• sonovebitch@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Our CEO came to visit us. It was fun. Some people couldn’t make it because they were out on vacation.

    Our department manager announced with less than a week’s notice that he’ll visit us after our CEO, for no specific reason, the weeks around the Easter weekend (Friday and Monday are public holidays so 4 days weekend). For the occasion he asked everyone in the team to cancel vacations approved months ago.

    All department employees individually politely declined to cancel their personal plans or approved vacations and involved HR. HR wasn’t aware of the manager’s decision.

    He’ll be alone at the office for 2/9 visit days 😂

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    6 months ago

    This one is about my old org. It’s a small firm that keeps bleeding clients. The COO was someone who basically was an empty shirt who loved meetings. All the tech people agreed that he didn’t do anything to advance the company.

    When I found out they let him go, I was shocked and considered it a good thing. Then I found out that the CEO didn’t give him any feedback and that the COO had even checked in to see how things were going and was told he was doing a good job. He never got an opportunity to improve his performance and got let go with no warning. That’s a shitty thing to do to a person, even if he was doing a bad job.

  • Ejh3k@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I was able to file a grievance against a person everyone hates. It’s a slam dunk grievance, I even have evidence from their Instagram.

    Everyone that I’ve told about it has been over the moon that someone gets to put them in their place finally.

    Monday morning we have our big meeting regarding it, and I’m going to straight up fuck their ass up. I hope they quit. Seriously, they are such assholes to everyone. No one has a nice thing to say about them.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Those I share a space with typically conflict with each other, it’s not like school where they would go at me, so I tend to not be in the know. The only exception is one tried getting back at the others by using me as a bargaining chip. As in he kept me at his house for 2 days.

    • Sizzler@slrpnk.net
      6 months ago

      I mean, I was all, ok juicy work drama, juicy work drama. Then I got to the last sentence, I think that goes beyond work drama.

          • intensely_human@lemm.ee
            6 months ago

            It’s actually a pretty serious problem. It’s not so much that you’re disqualified, as that you’re ineffective at being heard.

            This is a serious problem. Have you considered listening to great speeches, or rap, or poetry?

      • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        That’s basically it. I was the closest thing that could be used against the others, which was out of spite. Only was solved due to passerbies who knew something was going on and where.

                • intensely_human@lemm.ee
                  6 months ago

                  I feel my mind turning off, turning to teflon, when I read your comment. It made me wonder whether others have that experience too.

                  Here’s something interesting: social scientists have found that humans’ eyebrows dance when they talk to each other. The eyebrow dance is normally not consciously perceived, but it is synchronized between two individuals when they speak to one another.

                  What’s more is the eyebrow dance is literally a dance, not a conversation, specifically in the way it is timed. It is perfectly in sync, not offset as you’d expect a back-and-forth response pattern to be.

                  When this eyebrow dance synchronization is inhibited, for example by covering the speaker’s eyebrows, that speaker has an incredibly hard time getting information across.

                  This is a long-documented phenomenon in human culture: that people can be standing there conveying information and others can be hearing it but not picking it up.

                  Like one person can be saying “Our car crashed! My brother is badly hurt and he needs an ambulance! Can I use your phone?” and for various reasons another person can just stand there not processing any of it.

                  So really what I’m trying to say is that human communication is finicky and relies on maintenance of non-obvious parallel channels, and people can get cut off from others when those channels break down.

                  From reading your writing, and seeing how others respond, it makes me think there might be some channel based on word sequencing that’s not being adhered to.

                  I know from experience how much it sucks to be cut off and unseen, so I thought I’d point out for you that while I recognize what you’re saying is important, it doesn’t land in my feelings for some reason, and it feels related to how things are worded.

  • Buglefingers@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    My business just had two meeting recently, one was about “the seriousness of unionization”, and the second was regarding a potential shift change because they are unable to fill 20+ positions and people keep leaving.

    I would like to preface the seriousness of this with some historical facts about the business: they on average used to pay $12-$15 over competitors (now equal to or even less than), they used to offer pensions (Not any more), they used to have a call list of over 200 applicants (for decades) of whom they could call up and offer a job and those people would quit and jump on board (they can’t hire from anywhere in the country or Puerto Rico with relocation bonuses included). And the average length of a workers term was 28 years (now just under 5).

  • _number8_@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    cutest girl at work asked me if i knew what poppers were, then supplied the explanation after i said yes. unfortunately i was/am too stupid to advance the ball further, and we both left the job shortly after due to a terrible regime change