It is the sister magazine for this rimworld community, for sharing and viewing full size high quality renders of Rimworld colonies
You can subscribe to it from your instance by searching for rimworldporn. If your instance hasn’t yet subscribed to it, search for @ RimWorldPorn @ rimworld . gallery (case sensitive, replace the first @ with a ! on lemmy) sometimes it requires a bit of fiddling but it’s worth it
If you have a Rimworld colony, do not hesitate to upload it. Make sure you read the instructions on and upload there directly, not to your instance due to filesize limits
That makes sense.
Weird that this is not a problem across Lemmy instances, maybe they overlooked something?
Sorry for the very late response. Most instances don’t allow such large image uploads, renders can be up to 30MB. But still, thumbnails should be shown instead of the full image