• 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
    8 months ago

    Even if I was working there still: Fuck that. I’d rather sleep in my car. At least it’s warm and soft unlike the concrete on the factory floor that’s covered in metal shavings and dropped screws. Plenty of people I met there did just that because it was easier to just stay there all week and only go back home over the weekend cuz home was like a 4 hour drive away on a good day.

    But I mean… There are way better jobs. And if you’re a contractor (which is like 90% of the workforce there): you ain’t getting a permanent position, lol. Fr. You’re just gonna be used up and tossed aside and I know the pay isn’t worth it. Might as well be a McDonald’s janitor for the same pay. At least you ain’t gonna fuck your back and knees all up or work more than 8 hours.