Bad news if you’re mooching off of someone else’s Costco membership: The retail giant is cracking down.

When you enter Costco, you need to show your membership card to an employee to shop. Costco membership cards are non-transferable, but the company allows members to give a second household card to one other person in their home. Anyone with a card can bring up to two guests to the club during each visit, the company stipulates.

But Costco has noticed that non-members have been sneaking in with membership cards that don’t belong to them — particularly since Costco expanded self-checkout.

Costco recently started asking for shoppers’ membership cards along with a photo ID at the self-checkout registers, the same policy as regular checkout lanes, to crack down. “We don’t feel it’s right that non-members receive the same benefits and pricing as our members,” Costco said in announcing the change.

And now, Costco is testing out a system that requires members to scan their membership cards at the store entrance — instead of just flashing the card to employees. Shoppers have spotted the new scanners at a store in Washington State and posted photos on Reddit.

      8 months ago

      I guess it’s all about perspective. Its hardly sucking a corporate cock to not be bothered by a fairly innocuous business practice. Im not so deluded to think im more important to them than their own self interests.

      If i haven’t had to wait half an hour for them to count it up is irrelevant, then i fail to see how your experience is.

      Frankly, i wish you were more self-aware. They dont care about you, they never have and never will. There are plenty of people out there who are happy to wait to buy their stuff. You are in the minority and they won’t miss you.

      Buy mostly your attitude stinks. There’s a reason you are in negative thousands of karma. Because people see you coming a mile away and let out a big sigh… “Here cones misery guts, ready to be a grimpy git about the tiniest things”