I really appreciate the detailed feedback! I’m learning a lot about the importance of having a reliable source of info at hand. Looking stuff up online is fine for visuals, but the pages from which I pulled these various details from don’t really go into the details and mechanics I need to know in order to understand why these parts are the way they are, and what their purpose is.
I’ll keep working on refining things, and post em as I finish! Thanks again! :)
I really appreciate the detailed feedback! I’m learning a lot about the importance of having a reliable source of info at hand. Looking stuff up online is fine for visuals, but the pages from which I pulled these various details from don’t really go into the details and mechanics I need to know in order to understand why these parts are the way they are, and what their purpose is.
I’ll keep working on refining things, and post em as I finish! Thanks again! :)