Done, it will snow tomorrow.
Somewhere 🐧
Tomorrows gonna be extra weird in Australia…
And also tomorrow’s tomorrow and the tomorrow after that and so on… every tomorrow it will snow
Done. The snow is yellow … for some reason. It may or may not smell funny.
Done. For 24 hours, snow falls in thick, heaving flurries around the entire globe, covering every available surface with at least 6 feet of snow. Most life on Earth freezes or succumbs to hunger or dehydration. The human race survives in trace remnants in scattered locations along the equator, but it is doubtful they will survive more than a few weeks without any plant or animal life to sustain them, and even if any potential survivors managed to band together, without enough people to maintain the electrical and mechanical infrastructure of now-empty cities and a desperate subsistence living, it will be centuries at best before any sort of civilization reemerges.
Done, you still have to shovel
Oh man, that’d be the worst.
Granted. I hope you like the movie Snowpiercer because this is your life now.
Tomorrow will snow. And will never stop snowing again.