I absolutely love your work.
thanks mate ! :)
That must have been nerve wracking to cut out! All those delicate lines look fantastic.
That must have been nerve wracking to cut out! All those delicate lines look fantastic.
thank you very much, it’s a bit hard physically on the wrists and knees but mentally no, I’m focused and I can’t see the time passing during the engraving.
Okay… admit it. You’re cheating by printing white on black, aren’t you?
Okay… admit it. You’re cheating by printing white on black, aren’t you?
hahaha, it wouldn’t have been any less complicated !
I really like this! Is there a bit missing for the north coordinates? It seems like there’s a space for a decimal, and one of the ticks for the seconds is missing
67°55’57.5"N 82°58’13.8"W for those who want to see where that is (far northern Canada)
I really like this! Is there a bit missing for the north coordinates? It seems like there’s a space for a decimal, and one of the ticks for the seconds is missing
thanks ! in fact, a dot must have come off when I was cleaning the plate at [57.5"N] a friend of mine said the same thing.