Played a bit years ago for about 6 months in person, have never played online. Starting with a player from scratch; built one on D20 as it seemed like it would be the simplest and tried to join a few games - their d20 or discord servers have absolutely oceans of varied rules and restrictions to dig through and many want you to roll up a character for their specific game within certain rules. I’m sure their rules and restrictions are in place for a good reason, many of them I don’t even understand, but for someone just trying to get a basic character going for a basic story to get into the swing of D&D are there better places to look for us simple folks who are trying to learn/remember as much how to play and need things kept relatively simple at this point?

    11 months ago

    I play online using Fantasy Grounds. They have a discord and also a forum on their website that has a “Player Looking for Group” and they are pretty active. With their beta version of their software you can connect to a game and play. You just won’t be able to DM until you get one of the paid versions, or a subscription. Check out their website and take a look for the forum and discord links. I posted on their discord in the Player LFG and within about a day had two games I was in that matched my schedule. I think they also host weekly games you can sign up to join just to get a feel for online play.