I’ve always found myself bouncing off hard on “make your own fun” type games like Minecraft or the newer Zeldas. This extends to any type of game that has no clear goals or motivators.

Turns out I’m just an extrinsically motivated gamer. For me, it’s about the destination, not the journey. I enjoy games that keep me going with rewards promised at each step of the way. When given the choice to be creative with the tools I’m given, I’ll just find the most efficient way of getting it done.

I’d like to hear what type of gamers y’all are. What type of games bring you joy?

  • sparvin69@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    I’ve always been a slow-to-start gamer. I’ve really for to ease into games. I remember when I first played FFX, I just kept playing the beginning over and over because I didn’t realize there was a save feature, and everytime more of the story got revealed, my thought was, “how much more game could there possibly be?”

    Minecraft was great until I had mastered the mechanics, and then looked further to see what the point of all that learning was. Turns out there was no point.

    I guess I’m saying that I love the sandbox until I’ve learned to be efficient in the sandbox, then I want something to do with the efficiency I’ve gained. If the game asks too much of me from the start without giving me a chance to slowly learn (Apex, COD, etc.), I’m out. If there’s no goal after I’ve learned, I’m out.

    I just left D2 after 5 years only because the only thing left for me to do in the game was PvP, and I’m never going to be good enough at PvP because there is not enough time for me to git gud.