Why do you have to pick one or the other? Can we not recognize that the governments of western nations and the government of China are all evil institutions that cause far more harm than they ever could benefit?
China raised more people out of poverty than any other government in history, and certainly more than any non government group. The amount of good they’ve done is truly amazing, with absolute minimal harm when honestly compared with their western counterparts.
Would it be better to not have any institution and have automated luxury gay space communism? Sure. But we’re never getting there from a western society.
Again, both are shitty. In fact, not just both, but all. All hierarchical power structures are just plain evil. I’m not interested in parsing which evil is more evil. The Chinese government is an evil institution. The US government is an evil institution.
Why do you have to pick one or the other? Can we not recognize that the governments of western nations and the government of China are all evil institutions that cause far more harm than they ever could benefit?
‘recognize’ is a weird word for ‘delude’.
China raised more people out of poverty than any other government in history, and certainly more than any non government group. The amount of good they’ve done is truly amazing, with absolute minimal harm when honestly compared with their western counterparts.
Would it be better to not have any institution and have automated luxury gay space communism? Sure. But we’re never getting there from a western society.
Again, both are shitty. In fact, not just both, but all. All hierarchical power structures are just plain evil. I’m not interested in parsing which evil is more evil. The Chinese government is an evil institution. The US government is an evil institution.
That’s a fine ideal to strive towards, an communism, including the Chinese government hopes to get there some day.
China hasn’t been a communist country in a long time. That was the whole point of the Deng reforms.