There aren’t any immediate drop in replacements that won’t require some work, but there is Home Assistant Voice - It just requires that you also have a Home Assistant server setup, which is the more labor intensive part. It’s not hard, just a lot to learn.
And for now it’s voice assist is garbage in comparison. I have home assistant, and a few Alexa units, so I set up nabu and tried it, but it’s slow and can maybe do 1 in 5 commands, while Alexa is much more reliable.
There aren’t any immediate drop in replacements that won’t require some work, but there is Home Assistant Voice - It just requires that you also have a Home Assistant server setup, which is the more labor intensive part. It’s not hard, just a lot to learn.
And for now it’s voice assist is garbage in comparison. I have home assistant, and a few Alexa units, so I set up nabu and tried it, but it’s slow and can maybe do 1 in 5 commands, while Alexa is much more reliable.