He really doesn’t understand that we as citizens pay that cost, does he?
he does. a shocking number of his cult do not.
While I believe wholeheartedly of his hatefulness, I do question his intelligence.
totally understood. I have wrestled with this myself and finally came down on “incurious”, which is its own brand of stupid.
I think he fundamentally understands what he is doing and there is a clear pattern of grift. he now has the biggest of the big league grifters around him - those who would strangle whole countries for personal gain.
he knows. he’s playing along with the game and, at this point in his life, gives zero fucks about the consequences.
So he’s drifting in grift? Afloat in the fraud? A bouy of bluff? 😄
In other words he’s taking back decades of trickle down economics and putting it in his pocket. And it’s only his first year.
Not even a year. It’s only his first fiscal quarter.
I don’t understand how they expect this to work if they are not also investing in US companies.
Trump wants to dismantle the CHIPs act designed to bring back chip and other manufacturing to the US. Trump wants to reverse the block of US steel to a Japanese company.
I hate this nationalism, but I guess I’d at least expect those espousing it to have a plan to actually bring these industries back to the US so we could make things again. It is going to very difficult to survive when you destroy all your relationships you currently depend on and have zero plan to be self sufficient.
American workers also want American wages. The problem is wages have been a race to the bottom. So, even if the US could magically get the labor, materials, capital, locations, etc. to produce things, they would be waaaaay more expensive than now. Not that reducing mindless consumption is a bad thing in my mind, but this would still be true of essential goods. This still remains true even with his attempts to undo all kinds of environmental regulations.
That’s how bad of a politician he is. He can’t even be the easiest type of politician convincingly.
So he’s gonna get it back from himself and his buddies Musk, etc?
no, just the poors. thats where the tariffs will hit the hardest - literally another massive wealth transfer from the poorest (via tariffs paid by domestic importers and passed on to consumers) to the richest (via tax breaks)
this is the take back. this is “making america rich again” - just you and I are not part of that america.