Dear President Trump, Our Lord and Savior - Please get those awful TRANSistors out of OuR CoMpUtErS!!1!
Trains is Trains
That’s why they probably won’t like public transportation
I know a family member who got trained. Lost both legs but not his spirits.
“Peaceful Transfer of power”
maggats in 2021: 😡😡😡➰️💣💥🔫👮♂️🚪🏛
Lemmy: “Haha! You fucking idiots! That’s not what Transgenic means.”
DOGE: “Don’t actually care. This is just some bullshit to distract the rubes while we finish our bust out of the US Treasury.”
We know, this comm is specifically for satire and humor of the right-wing. We make some memes and crack some jokes to help deal with the sad reality we’re all currently in
I see this misguided gripe all the time, people forget how important cultural and political messaging is for organizing and motivation.
I interviewed an old guy who fought in the spanish civil wars and he had this massive collection of pamphlets and leaflets and newsletters and posters from that period and, let me assure you, other than design, style, and medium, the messaging was consistent with current sarcastic memes and even shitposts. They made a lot if it, propaganda and useful info wrapped together, like in all struggles. That stuff is important.
Effective resistance strategy incorporates many tactics. You look to your expertise, and draw strength from others where you can.
The Spanish Civil War did not end well for antifascists. People were making fun of Francisco Franco well into his late 70s.
That has no bearing on their point.
They did manage to blow up a minister though.
Yep but that’s a separate issue, geopolitics at play. Fascists and conservatives support each other internationally. I guess you can only assassinate character with a meme lol.
They didn’t mix up transgender and transgenetic but they did take any study involving testosterone or estradiol and slap the label “gender affirming” on it.
Guys, understanding the effects of hormones on immune response and cancer incidence has implications far beyond “gender affirming” care.
Hey, OP, this “transgenic vs transgender” thing actually is disinformation. The White House (ignore the Trump-brand petulant diaper baby bullshit) has presented easily verifiable receipts. They’re:
- Correct about the level of funding (easily audited per page).
- Correct that each of these was related heavily or wholly to the ways exogenous sex hormones affect mice.
- Completely, utterly wrong for treating them as superfluous. Even if you don’t believe trans people deserve medical study for their own health (which is nonsense), and even if you seriously believe $8 million is anything more than a drop in the bucket for the US federal government (we’re talking an actual millionth of the annual budget spread across several years), studies such as the $1.2 million one on androgens’ effect on female reproductive health can objectively help non-trans people such as people with PCOS. It’s good even if you’re a disgusting bigot.
Transgenic mice are mice given human genes to better test medicines before human testing. Better medicines help us all.
More transgenic stuff include bacteria with genes that produce life-saving medicines.
This is vitally important stuff.
PCOS can be considered a form of hormonal intersex and therefore legally doesn’t happen /s
Wait wait,
Are you telling me through a meme that they honestly misread some shit and posted it to the White House website (saw on another meme).
Man, if I wasn’t so worried about the future I would be laughing very hard right now (am chucking though).
I think they did a search for “trans” and it was either automatically discarded or if it was manually reviewed, the human didn’t read much more than the computer.
What are the odds they ban trans fats on accident?
“Trans is bad, but I’m also really fat. Does not compute. Bleep-bloop.” - Trump’s brain.
“Honestly” is doing some heavy lifting in that statement, but yes.
(The people masterminding selling the government off for their own profit know it’s a lie and don’t care, but the people who put that message on the White House website probably genuinely are stupid enough to buy into it.)
From what I’ve seen, most of those studies involved using hormones and studying their effects on mice for various aspects. The Trump misdirection comes in where they assume that any use of hormones automatically means it’s about transitioning. Hormone therapy is used in a ton of other situations, like treating menopause, genetic conditions and whatever it is men take extra testosterone for. Obviously it’s important to know the risks and effects of hormone therapy for transitioning too, and that’s also part of why those studies were commissioned.
Ironically, if they hadn’t cancelled those studies and let them play out, and those studies found adverse effects, they’d be all over that shit.
I’ve given up on the future. I’m laughing my ass off.
Actually (ignore the petulant bullshit), they didn’t misread anything. You can read each of those projects and see that it has nothing to do with transgenic anything. It is indeed related to how exogenous sex hormones affect mice.
If you can’t handle me when I’m transgenic, you can’t handle me when I’m transgender…
Beesly doesn’t deserve this
Chefs kiss.
We’re in danger.
I’ve had a project involving a mixture of cis-polybutadiene/trans-polybutadiene and I’ve just been trying to turn my brain off while describing that “The concern is that an increase in trans is not specifically an issue with respect to the proportional amount of cis. Trans does not cause a problem with the overall material.”
Once you remove external forces from the material, do some of the cis isomers feel safe enough spontaneously become trans? Better keep those trans heathens away from my Bucky ball field.
This was sarcasm. All enantiomers are welcome, regardless of chirality during bond formation.
This is the type of “flood the zone” shit would be so easy to replicate if the DNC had the balls. Find one stupid thing, shout it all over, then let the memes roll in.
The memes would flood so hard if a flood of accurate, and publically palatable information was actively presented.