The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
This bad boy from Dark Forces:
Concussion Rifle. Sounded like a banshee’s scream when fired. Too bad it got neutered in the sequel though.
Halo 2 BR. Sooo many kills, headshots, and memories with that thing.
The cerebral bore from turok 2.
Gravity Gun.
Remote mines from Goldeneye for N64. Never felt more like a spy than when you bait someone into charging at you spraying bullets and you just press a button on your watch
The Sigil of the One God from Strife. Like, the fully completed gun.
And also the Nuke from Shadow Warrior.
Mechanically, I love the uh… The rifle from UT that had the orb for the alt fire you could shoot with the primary fire for an explosion (I forgot the name). I liked it for rewarding the combo play; even now you don’t see many guns like this.
The remote charge from Red Faction, cant remember the exact name but it was great for embracing my want to dig around and cause chaos.
Voodoo Doll from the game Blood.
Just look, and poke!
Hypnosis from Withfire. Very satisfying sound with a beautiful reward of extreme damage
Original Unreal Tournament shock rifle. Nothing has ever been quite as satisfying as nailing a perfect shock combo.
But close second is the Tribes mortar. Tribes 2 especially. The teamplay potential with the laser designator was an incredible bit of design.
Does whatever the hell I can manage to scrounge on Mothergunship counts?
Hellstaff from Heretic, both with and without a Tome of Power
The cheat weapons from mercenaries. The portable air strike was a great way to kill an entire screen and yourself if you weren’t careful. The street sweeper was aptly named.
Torn between the classic Doom super shotgun and Marathon dual shotguns.
The Cerebral Bore from Turok 3, Shadows of Oblivion.
Honestly the whole weapon set was super unique and fun for deathmatch. Too bad the recent remake excluded multiplayer entirely… I’m still very sour about it.
It was in Turok 2 too!
I definitely read that as Turok Tutu
That’s Turok 4
And Rage Wars.
Came here looking for this
The split screen multiplayer where one person would be a monkey while the others hunted it was so much fun. I can see the cerebral bore squirting monkey brains so clearly in my mind.
That’s a deep cut and I’m so glad you said it