• WarlockoftheWoods@lemy.lol
    10 days ago

    Let me tell you what I learned living around rednecks my entire life. They are the exact same as deer. They are dumb, they have no ability to have foresight, to think ahead or to plan. They just exist. My wife calls them NPCs. They go to work, breed constantly without thinking about money, drink beer, buy a truck and hate strangers. That’s all they know how to do so anything that any republican says, is blindly followed. They also mostly believe they are good Christians regardless of their deeds as long as they go to church. Religious people are the most easily manipulated of us so this is right up their alley. They are taught to follow and not question. I’m very much sure that a large majority of them don’t have inner voices or a concept of critical thinking. Just like deer, they just BE.

    • relic_@lemm.ee
      10 days ago

      Maybe a controversial take on Lemmy to defend religious people but here goes. I don’t think it’s fair to place the blame on these people. I think for the most part, they are doing the best they can with the skills and capacity they have. None of these people, who you are denigrating by comparing them to literal animals, are born terrible people.

      So ask yourself, who is to blame. Is it the fearful, working class person to the left of you in the store? Is it your neighbor who is fearful of transgender people because they don’t understand them? Or perhaps the family down the road struggling to make ends meet and don’t have the capacity understand the real cause of their struggle.

      Or is it the media culture that constantly instills fear and hate into them. And the church that no longer preaches godly values, but is instead filled with grifters and charlatans. The rednecks are not the cause of the US turmoil, they are not your enemy. What is the difference between a redneck and someone with a successful career? Opportunity. Care. Support. Anyone can be successful with support.

      It is the capital class that seeks to sow fear, hatred, and division because thats the only way they can retain power. A united working class is an existential threat to their existence. The “dumb rednecks” are vulnerable and hurting and they have been exploited. Place your hate where it is deserved, the ultra wealthy, who for decades have been allowed outsized influence to manipulate the people of the US.

      • HalfSalesman@lemm.ee
        10 days ago

        I’m sorry, through some unfortunate events, I currently live in redneck land. There are some decent people here but they are a minority and usually people who are young/born there or too poor to escape (me).

        The vast majority of people here choose to live in the middle of nowhere however and it shows. They’re paranoid, stupid, delusional, prejudiced, etc. Every time I’ve tried friendly conversations with them at various watering holes, they end up disliking me for bullshit prejudicial reasons. They literally tell me that I’m showing off by using big words or say I’m a weakling faggot or whatever else.

        I commute into a small city for work for a pretty humdrum low paying office job and the people here are a million fucking times nicer and smarter and just as “working class” as the rural chuds.

        • WarlockoftheWoods@lemy.lol
          10 days ago

          Same dude, I’m a city boy, well traveled, ex air force, and literally nearly get into fist fights with these fucking hicks if I go to a local bar. We just drink at home or when we go to the city, that’s it. Can’t stand these mfs, I wouldn’t even live here if I didn’t get the best deal ever on the biggest house in town. There is not a single tolerable person in this town that I have met. I met people that like me, but then they do like coke once a month… who tf does that? Or just ramble and you can’t get a word in, it’s fucking crazy.

        • relic_@lemm.ee
          10 days ago

          I’m not disagreeing with your experience or trying to defend their behavior.

          I’m providing reasons for how they ended up with such toxic attitudes and beliefs. I don’t think they woke up one morning and said fuck that guy, for example.

          • HalfSalesman@lemm.ee
            10 days ago

            Look, I don’t believe in free will. I don’t think wanting others to suffer for being “bad” is a rational mentality. (I agree with Robert Sapolsky) But I’m also not a rational being, I’m human and my emotions tell me “Fuck these assholes” and I’m tired of trying to be above it all. Especially, after this recent election. And at this point I can’t help but be indifferent to their suffering at best.

            I’m just going to avoid them like the plague. I owe them nothing and I can’t waste my life trying to bring horses to water when I know they wont drink. Or swimming up a political waterfall by trying to organize them.

      • WarlockoftheWoods@lemy.lol
        10 days ago

        Ok captain fantasy land. “Ooooh the poor rednecks, won’t someone think of the rednecks” shuuuuuut the fuck up. They know exactly what they are doing or have you forgot that they tried to overthrow our capital, are racist, terrible parents, occasional child molesters, and seek to ACTIVELY harm you if you are on the opposite team. Spare me that bullshit, I’ve lived around them my entire fucking life, I know EXACTLY who they are.

        • cheers_queers@lemm.ee
          9 days ago

          you’re right, even if your delivery rubbed people the wrong way.

          i was raised by them, so to that guy’s logic i should be just like them. i, however, have a painful level of empathy and the need to know the truth. it only took a couple years in my early 20s to deconstruct my entire upbringing (in a literal cult, isolated and homeschooled, mind you)… in today’s world, there is ABSOLUTELY no excuse to be this stupid and bigoted.

          being raised among them myself, i too know exactly who these people are. they relish in their ignorance and make it a point of pride to never back down from their beliefs, no matter how logical you point out the issues.

          FUCK them. they made my life hell and now i feel like I’m losing my autonomy all over again to these creeps.

    • shalafi@lemmy.world
      10 days ago

      Hate to admit it, but you’re spot on. I’ll add, in a D&D sense, they’re lawful good. They can’t imagine breaking laws, nor bending them, are shocked that others do so. Hard to explain, but it’s a thing I see IRL.

      And yes, values of “good” may differ, but they have a hard-core version of “good” they follow unerringly. They see no nuance in behavior or politics, only black and white, good and evil. They’re like the annoying paladin in the group that fucks everything up over a moral stand.

      tl;dr: Religious rednecks are devils, atheist rednecks like me are demons.