• jj4211@lemmy.world
    16 days ago

    The same reason that humanoid robots are useful


    The thing about this demonstration is that there’s a wide recognition that even humans don’t want to be forced to voice interactions, and this is a ridiculous scenario that resembles what the 50s might have imagined the future as being, while ignoring the better advances made along the way. Conversational is maddening way to get a lot of things done, particularly scheduling. So in this demo, a human had to conversationally tell an AI agent the requirements, and then an AI agent acoustically couples to another AI agent which actually has access to the actual scheduling system.

    So first, the coupling is stupid. If they recognize, then spout an API endpoint at the other end and take the conversation over IP.

    But the concept of two AI agents negotiating this is silly. If the user AI agent is in play, just let it access the system directly that the other agent is accessing. An AI agent may be able to efficiently facilitate this, but two only makes things less likely to work than one.

    You don’t need special robot lifts in your apartment building if the cleaning robots can just take the elevators.

    The cleaning robots even if not human shaped could easily take the normal elevators unless you got very weird in design. There’s a significantly good point that obsession with human styled robotics gets in the way of a lot of use cases.

    You don’t need to design APIs for scripts to access your website if the AI can just use a browser with a mouse and keyboard.

    The API access would greatly accelerate things even for AI. If you’ve ever done selenium based automation of a site, you know it’s so much slower and heavyweight than just interacting with the API directly. AI won’t speed this up. What should take a fraction of a second can turn into many minutes,and a large number of tokens at large enough scale (e.g. scraping a few hundred business web uis).