President Donald Trump fired Chair of the Joint Chiefs Gen. C.Q. Brown on Friday night, and said he intends to dismiss the Navy’s top admiral and the Air Force’s second in command — an unprecedented shakeup of the Pentagon’s top brass that will trigger ripple effects throughout the military.

Trump, in a Truth Social post, said he was nominating retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Dan “Razin” Caine to take Brown’s place. Caine is a partner at Shield Capital, a venture capital firm.

Trump also has claimed Caine donned a ‘MAGA’ hat during their 2018 meeting in Iraq, which is against military regulations.

    20 days ago

    The first of Trump’s military blunders. The same one Hitler made.

    Putin couldn’t wish for a more useful idiot. Eventually he’ll be giving direct tactical orders that result in China and Russia not needing to worry about the US Navy presence.

    My prediction?

    He’ll first order Carrier Strike groups to reduce the number of vessels. Maybe keep one AEGIS guided missile destroyer, and one Alreigh-Burke. Remove one of the attack submarines. Cut the Supply-class boats down to a single vessel. (“Just cram it all it one, and fill it up twice as often”).

    But that’s not Hitler level stupid on it’s own. He’ll have those ships scrapped. He needs to appease the defense industry, so he’ll order the procurement of the true king of the fleet: Trump-class Dreadnaught Battleships (because he needs the extra big dreadnaughts!). They should be “nuclear powered” use the latest “laser cannon” a rail gun, and the biggest longest range cannons they can fit.

    And that’s just what he’ll start with in the Navy.

      18 days ago

      The first? I would have thought that would have been his incredibly unpopular and badly though-out rapid withdrawl from northern Syria, which turned the close US allies the Kurds into sworn enemies overnight by allowing the Turkish army to attack them, and handed multiple fully-stocked military bases to (guess who) the Russians - all while he simultaneously declared victory over the very much not-defeated ISIL/ISIS.

      But that’s just off the top of my head and was in late 2018, so he had probably had major military blunders before then that im forgetting to be honest.