They are purging agencies of anyone disloyal to Trump or investigating Russia
They are purging agencies of anyone disloyal to Trump or investigating Russia
Yes, revealing the truth that we’ve been under attack from Russia - by their own admission - is “repeating all the same mistakes.” A criminal Mafia State that literally told us they would do this 🙄
Everyone knows that some of this tension was preexisting. Civil rights was only in the 60s. But, as it has been made clear, Russia actively abused those tensions.
Your continued attacks (and deletion of previous comment) really just highlight that you are not coming at this with the intent to actually engage. It is more gaslighting, lies and attacks is the face of facts.
It is boring, overdone, and quite simply, annoying. If you’re not actively propaganda, then there is 0 reason for you to be attacking me this way.
All the proof needed
Never did 😂 this is not my content. Your over the top attempts to attack me come off as very Russian and defensive
🙄 it’s about events from 1990-2020, so not quite. Have a good night, troll.
*Frontline Documentary link to pbs website: **http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-way/%C2%A0
* Luke Harding, A Very Expensive Poison: The Assassination of Alexander LItvinenko and Putin’s War with the West (London, Guardian Books, 2016)
*Alexander Litvinenko & Yuri Felshtinsky, Blowing Up Russia: The Secret Plot to Bring Back KGB Terror(Encounter Books, published 2007 after Litvinenko’s murder)
*Mikhail Zygar, All the Kremlin’s Men: Inside the Court of Vladimir Putin (Perseus Books, 2016)
* 1 http://nypost.com/2017/07/03/putins-old-boss-says-he-was-a-mediocre-kgb-spy/
* 2 http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32066222
* 3 http://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/21/world/aa-sobchak-dead-at-62-mentor-to-putin.html
* 4 http://articles.latimes.com/1991-12-23/news/mn-718/_1/_world-war
* 5 https://www.pri.org/stories/2015-01-13/five-corrupt-moves-helped-make-putin-most-powerful-man-russia
* 6 http://articles.latimes.com/2010/mar/21/world/la-fg-russia-putin21-2010mar21 (6)
* 7 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/mar/28/marina-salye (7)
* 8 https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2000/10/putin200010
* 9 https://data.occrp.org/text/2573023?dq=&page=1
* 10 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/19/alexander-litvinenko-the-man-who-solved-his-own-murder
* 16 https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/jan/26/weekend.adrianlevy
Throw his Nazi ass in jail
Funny enough? The day the government is set to shutdown if not funded… is day 53 of the administration
It only took Hitler 53 days
Trump, Vance, Elon, the Heritage Foundation, the tech bros - every single fucker that’s ever taken Russian money or aligns with Russian ideals
is a traitorous piece of shit
The implication is Russia has infiltrated every agency, including the CIA
Even Christopher Wray of the FBI had ties to GAZPROM/REZNOFT
MI6 and other European agencies need to be combing over everyone with a fine tooth comb
Refugee here. Think I’d agree. A subconscious bias / misunderstanding we bought into
Thank you
They are 100% a propaganda bot/Russian bootlicker/Russian. No matter what proof you find, they will claim it was justified and Russia was only defending itself
EndlessWar is Russian propaganda. It was Russian propaganda on Reddit, and it’s Russian propaganda here.
Edit: sorry you’re the same person I already told this. My bad. I just really hate this guy and I hate that I was recommended this community so quickly joining lemmy lmao. Propaganda everywhere. You won’t catch me in here much, I can’t fight an entire community of bad actors. Not gonna be good for my mental health.
Humanspiral is a Russian stooge. They are explicitly pushing the Russian viewpoint of this war. Check their comment history. I have pushed back against this troll.
“Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal GLOBALIST Western hegemony”
This was released in 1997. It has evolved into “Project Russia”
Endless War = Russian propaganda
My fellows are so blind and deep in the cult. I genuinely think it’s going to be dictatorship or civil war.
That said, Trump is so effective at being anti-war, that he’s got the entirety of Europe re-arming! 10/10
Stg MAGA’s had a few lines about how Hillary or Kamala would bring us closer to WW3
I agree with you
As someone with trans family, and that works around parents (but has no kids myself), and is very liberal personally –
From what I can tell, Gavin is speaking to how the average parent feels. They are accepting of trans people, but have some hesitations and those are coming out through this example, for one. And I mean the more liberal parents
You either need to get out there and speak to these people and work to help them get over these feelings, or you need to accept how they feel and the… yes I’m spinning this phrase… boundary they are requesting and then work within that to change their minds
Raging at them and damning candidates over it without working to actually change it is just like the Palestine voters and Kamala all over again (at least at a superficial level)
You sound like a Russian bootlicker. In other words, a traitor. Weaponizing tolerance against us.
Tolerance is a social pact. Nazis and Russian bootlickers are breaking it.
Pretty gross they continue to cover for this Nazi diptard