Yes, better. The markets are all time high since god left the white house and historically, the markets always performed better under democrats, but facts cannot reach your pebbles.
Let the shareholders and the ceo build the planes, they know everything, they’re geniuses
Mtg, the dems have a geomagnetic storm machine, they will use it to interfere with the election!
I was trying to be sarcastic
God protected Trump
Edit: do i really need put an /s ?
Nah. If you try to say that i am extremely rich compared to a an african or pakistani, then yes, but if in your own country you cannot afford a decent life, then you are poor
I can’t wait to see how the republicans will blame this on the democrats
He is broke since a long time.
I am pretty sure cattle will still be exploited indefinitely if not for their meat, then for their milk, so much cheese culture is built around it that I cannot see it stopped in the near future. Let’s see how that lab meat will turn out to be
Same situation as what happened to the horses when cars were invented and then they became obsolete.
I am done with reddit since last year, it s a power hungry incel moderation website
Look at the guy who sleeps 8 hours a night and also have dreams, I wish I would have that luxury
This looks fine, more beach front property
It does not matter, maga will say it’s fake news, they believe what their lord and savior trump says. He has a huge voting base and nothing that he does will deter them from casting their vote onto him.
Another successful business from the genius that knows everything about businesses, military, nuclear and how to raise a family.
Yeah, but you are not rich, so you will suffer the consequences
The ones who will suffer will be the employee, someone has to pay for this nonsense and it will definitely not be shareholders or him
These type of women know they are second hand citizens in their homes, they know that they are oppressed, but the thought of power having on a lesser group of people ( that they think those people are) is huge, they want to have some sort of power and they’re just getting that from maga.
He will never go to jail, he will never suffer any consequences of his past and future actions. Unfortunately it is what it is.