The moment we learned i needed silver to conjure holy water we started melting down every piece of cutlery and chandeliers.
The moment we learned i needed silver to conjure holy water we started melting down every piece of cutlery and chandeliers.
I relate to this so much.
I had a similar experience with stimulates, first they worked really well (to get my grades up) but then they started to work less and less. They gladfully never upped the dose but the reason for this was that a low dose gave me to much side effects already. Complete loss of appetite, even less interests in socializing and eventually suicidal thoughts (yes thats a real side effect of some). Eventually i completely disconnected with who i really was a person and became completely apathetic to life itself. It fucked me up so bad it still effected me years after.
But the comic still massively connects to me. Just not about stimulants (which was more like ride on the dogs back and do nothing while we are training it to fit in) no, this comic absolute represents cannabinoids to me. This is the feeling the right high cbd blend can give me. Aside a reconnection to myself, increased empathy, to find joy in the things. To have a will to live.
We are all different people with different brains and needs. Drugs are relative. Some people truly are helped with stimulants other dont. If only medical science was more focused on what improves peoples lives rather then just trying to removing a disease or symptoms.
No apollo app no reddit. I agree the UI/UX is problematic but the native reddit ad filled app is way worse. Lemmy both has lots of room to still improve the experience but its build well enough already to actually function and people to be here.
Its also open source, decentralized, possible to self host. Aka owned by the people rather then corpos. All those things for the new homepage of the internet? I can only get so errect.
Took a while since they first mentioned it.
Hows the situation in Germany right now? Last i checked there where plans but nothing actual changed.