And also remove Digital Restrictions Management (DRM)
And also remove Digital Restrictions Management (DRM)
At least this one isn’t utter bullshit
Well, I never said that. It just generally shows the direction, they are heading. They are literally FORCING you to enable that. I am not a baby. I don’t need a babysitter.
You don’t need the question mark. If something is for-profit (or can be used for profit) then sooner or later it will be enshittified.
They have teams of people whose entire job is figuring out ways to wring a few more cents from somebody. Put them at the helm of a company that’s stood for 1000 years and they’ll be thrilled at how easy it will be to use that name to sell plastic dogshit at a premium price.
No. I am able to decide for myself, whether or not I need 2FA. A code via E-Mail is enough for me. If you feel like you need 2FA; feel free to enable it for yourself…
There is studies that 16-20C is the optimal temperature for sleeping
Well, time to introduce a men quota
But scammy sponsors are very common. Most of the promoted products are just trash because the company behind them puts way too much money in advertisement.
Aha, das ist also dieser neutrale ÖR, lol
Sehr gut. Jetzt müssen die Leute nur noch checken, dass sie ihren Unmut korrekterweise an die DB und nicht an die Lokführer adressieren müssen.
Naja, wenn die Kunden betroffen sind, fällt die Wut auf die Bahn. Wie will man denn nur die Bahn treffen?
And in Austria, some people just blew up part of a glacier to make room for a ski tournament. (sorry, no english source)
afaik they are important for the water supply of rivers in spring
Damit würden aber die günstigeren Netzbetreiber (mit schlechterem Ausbau) auch teurer werden.
Hier gibts den Quellcode für die Seite auf GitLab, wenn du das besser findest:
Naja, ich war in einer anderen derer Telegramgruppen bevor sie diesen Artikel gepublished haben. Die haben selber an ner Privacy-Custom-ROM gearbeitet. Wissen auf jeden Fall, wovon sie reden.
Würde ich nicht empfehlen:
A bit older, but maybe relevant: