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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I did watch Dexter and sided with a psychopath, but I wouldn’t in real life… or would I??? :-D

    Stupid take, I don’t know this person so not even sure which side he is talking about since all the sides use this argument precisely because people are stupid enough to make political decisions based on movies.

  • o wow didn’t know this. such horrible design decision! So if I understood correctly ALL the apps that want to screenshot need to write independent code for each desktop environment??? I was just mostly ignoring Wayland until becoming mature, but now I actively dislike it with passion.

    So, if this is true and I understand correctly, it means that if I chose to use Xfce (as I do), I’ll have to hope really hard that zoom, skype, slack, discord… decide to provide support for not only linux,… but XFCE or give up and abandon XFCE? yeah f*** Wayland, they really didn’t think about the open source community when designing their solution. I don’t wat to even think of people that use other smaller desktop managers…

    I mean, screen sharing is basic functionality these days, in the interview for my current job I needed to use… I think it was teams. Is not even something you can chose, is bad enough to be exclusive linux user as it is, always wondering if in such cases something will not work.

    Honestly, long live Xorg. if deprecated and I have to switch to gnome/kde or lose functionality I might as well switch to windows after 20 something years of not using it.

  • I use xfce, I have nvidia card, I sometimes capture a video of my screen and I regularly share my screen. Didn’t even try.

    I’ll use Xorg until its deprecated or Wayland offers me some benefit other than “is new and shiny and the internet told me is cool”

    I also became a bit sceptical about it with so many open source projects and basic functionality not supporting it yet after sooo many years of “Wayland is here”… so yeah, I’ll wait until someone gets xorg from my dead cold hands 😁

    also I don’t get how aggressive people get about what other people have in their desktop, dude let me live my linux life alone 🤷‍♂️

  • “somewhat old” person opinion warning ⚠️

    When I was in university (2002 or so) we had an “AI” lecture and it was mostly "if"s and path finding algorithms like A*.

    So I would argue that us the engineers have been using the term to define a wider use cases long before LLM, CEO and marketing people did it. And I think that’s fine, as categorising algorithms/solutions as AI helps understand what they will be used for, and we (at least the engineers) don’t tend to assume an actual self aware machine when we hear that name.

    nowadays they call that AGI, but it wasn’t always like that, back in my time it was called science fiction 😉

  • you seem to know what you are talking about and I looked into this very long ago, maybe you can help me understand.

    From what I can understand reading most of the article this forces browsers to accept the certificates, but it doesn’t force the websites to use them, right?

    So what is stopping Firefox from showing a warning (like the lock icon being orange, but it could also be a more intrusive message) stating that the certificate was issued by a country and/or doesn’t fullfil modern security standards in case one of these CAs is used?

    On top of that, the CA doesn’t really encrypt the private key of the domain, it just adds a signature stating that the message with the salt and the public key are legit, right? everyone seems to think the government itself will be able to passively see the traffic, but if I remember correctly they would have to gateway the whole transaction (I’m guessing the browser will also have a cache of keys and this could become a bit tricky to do in a global way)

    But of course we all know how technologically illiterate governments are (there could be one good, but there will be some “less good” for sure). So yeah, it does sound like a horrible idea to begin with. Because if a CA starts being insecure nowadays browsers can just remove them and go with their life, but if there is a law forcing browsers wouldn’t be able to.

    I’m just curious about the specifics in case I’m outdated on what I remember.

  • I know that everyone and their mom are in the hype train of AI, but we still don’t know if its here to stay or not. Basing your whole strategy on a tech hype trend to the point of antagonising google… seems a bit too far fetch.

    sure today Reddit results are still a thing that makes sense, but is it really too big to fail? if they’re not in Google no significant amount of new users will sign up. between that, the exodus and other stuff wouldn’t the content rot relatively quickly?

    on the other hand social sites have huge inertia (still surprises me how many people are in twitter), reddit bros probably just wants to sell high to retire and the stock market bros are the dumbest people with a gambling addiction anyway… so the move might work…

    Man, I wish economy didn’t depend that much on the stock bros… reddit? IDGAF, they can succeed or fail, I don’t use it anyway, but the power these dumbs have globally is so scary.

  • I actually enjoy reviews more when they disagree with me, sometimes I can even see where they are coming from (sometimes they kinda sound silly), but whatever they didn’t like / did like is just not important for me.

    but it kinda improves my movie experience, same feeling as when I go with friends to see a movie and we exchange opinions but when I watch them alone.

    Very rarely a review has changed my opinion, but sometimes it showed me cool stuff, like the movie avatar tlab was “okay”, but the bad reviews actually showed me how awesome the show was in comparison.