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Joined 2 days ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2025


    It kind of feels like tacking on the defund the police thing is so that headlines like this can be run. And Republicans then can be like “ohhh democrats DONT want to defund the police? Would you look at that! 😏”

    When really, any resistance will be over the cuts to social entitlements and welfare as you helpfully pointed out.

    I feel like I’m trapped in the SAW House and a bunch of people with me keep insisting it’s a normal house and we are waiting for the dinner party to start. And I keep screaming, The invitation said DONNER PARTY

    Either way— thanks for writing that out for everyone it’s kind of you to take the time :)

  • Exactly. When it’s a loss of profit to the top it’s “boo hoo think of the workers.” And when it’s profit in surplus it’s “money for the top no money for the workers sry :)”

    Thankfully many Americans are starting to see the pattern. The programming is insane and it’s a lot for most to break free from.

    Like, you’re exactly right. If you’re worried about labor rights lobby to government for labor rights. Oh what’s that you don’t want that? You just want to guilt Canadians for protecting themselves?

    It’s abuse tactics on an international scale. Fuck these assholes. Leck mich im Arsch.

  • I think you’re right. The statement from the Kentucky Distillers Association is absolutely meant to make you feel bad. It’s apologist slop that shifts the blame to potential foreign consumers.

    It should be known that Kentucky’s largest city is deep blue and voraciously in favor of civil liberties and representative democracy. The Louisville subreddit had a thread on this and most people talking called the Association out for this terrible letter.

    The general consensus in blue Kentucky is that: Feeling bad just enables the assholes like the Distillers Association. It’s unfortunate that those who tried to stop all this from happening will be hurt by the few who made it happen.

    But as someone who will be personally be hurt and impacted by the loss of bourbon sales—give us hell. Don’t buy Bourbon. Don’t buy American. Thank you for not enable this bullshit.

  • “The officer then proceeded to say ‘We are with the police, you have to come with us.’ The officer told Mahmoud to give me the apartment keys and that I could go upstairs. When I refused, afraid to leave my husband, the officer stated ‘I will arrest you, too.’ The officers later barricaded Mahmoud from me.”

    Mahmoud’s wife said they were not shown any warrant “and the Ice officers hung up the phone on our lawyer”. She said they cooperated fully and her husband remained calm, even though it was terrifying and traumatizing.

    “Within minutes, they had handcuffed Mahmoud, took him out into the street and forced him into an unmarked car,” she said.

    This should chill the spine of anyone reading. A president ordering the black bagging of anyone based on a social media post or association with university clubs is unconstitutional and unconscionable.

    Worse—he’s set to appear in New York but they purposefully flew him to New Jersey and then a detention center in Louisiana. So that any lawyer retained would struggle to find or meet him.

    Here we go. Wish us luck. We are going to need it.

  • Shit — This week — I have a relative that had to wait 3 days in the ER to be transferred to a bigger hospital. The big hospital didn’t have a bed.

    The hospital system in America has been overwhelmed for over a month and a half straight now.

    Anymore stress beyond the current quademic (and whatever the unknown illness is — have we figured that out yet?) and we will have to bring back keeping people outside and firing up the refrigerator trucks again.

    these damn jackals

  • You nailed it. I agree completely. This is getting a bit off topic now but it’s worth talking about. Sorry for the novel. It’s how I am.

    I don’t know if you remember. In 2021 Spring in America was a time when Americans had a renewed sense of hope (and for the first time in a long time, labor rights). That’s when that sub antiwork took off and it was before they paraded a Reddit mod stooge on Fox to mock the concept of labor rights.

    Those short few months— the air changed. People were starting to realize we have collective power. That we were underpaid. People started quitting in droves. They changed jobs. There were many spots opened we had many die or become disabled, after all.

    I drove across America twice during that period and people were quitting their shitty jobs in droves—Arizona, Kansas, Ohio—all the same. Sometimes during the shift they’d up and leave. Incredible, I remember thinking.

    But. Then—big tech companies started to lay their workers off. Starting with Facebook most loudly. Zuckerberg release a statement that they “over hired” during the pandemic. Many tech companies followed suit laying-off in the same or similar amount. Using the same reasoning. Amazing—they all over hired.

    I raise one eyebrow. The atmosphere in the air was still up but it began to mix with a foulness. I wondered then—is tech working together strategically? Maybe.

    The tech layoffs were so many that NSA then hired a new public facing woman who started a public campaign to hire the laid off tech workers from the tech companies. The NSA even said smoking wasn’t an issue.

    2022-2024. Profits soar. Layoffs continue. Prices increase. Trillion in unsecured PPP loans rock the Real Estate market. Interest rates rise—too little too late. Americans collectively fall back into deep dispair. A constant pressure on all of our chests. We are sensitive—we all feel it.

    In 2025–Tech CEOs all congregate in Washington now and rifle through America’s treasury and fire Government Agents.

    I raise both eyebrows. They do this for many reasons—but do we see the connection here? Economically they delete the federal safety net as the largest American job provider. Corralling workers and kettling us economically. This is Siege warfare.

    Over the preceding few years leading up to the American Presidential election, American news outlets pounded that the economy was “bad.” Prices of goods were out of control because of…the supply chain? But when looking at the numbers, the price of goods were being raised much higher than was needed to cover their losses. It is no longer price gouging but an economic siege, who is there to stop them?

    The Biden Administration was better than other Administrations at pursuing Anti-trust cases. In my opinion, it was another too little too late, but still appreciated.

    The signal, or so I hoped, was that if Harris got in that the DoJ would continue to pursue anti-trust, criminal conspiracy, and price market manipulation cases that Biden Admin scored on. If anyone isn’t familiar— Biden admin was dunking guilty verdicts on Big Pharma companies to the tune of billions for criminal conspiracy to rig prices with competitors and other unsavory economic criminality.

    I’m a criminal defense lawyer in practice but I wanted to switch to prosecuting Anti-Trust.

    Now, I don’t know. The air is curdled.

    TLDR/My Point:

    I believe that the Corporate heads colluded together in mid-2021 to crush the short lived optimism we all felt in America. They manipulated the labor market and worked together to manipulate the consumer market. This effect is felt collectively all over the world but very much so domestically in America.

    What we are in now—the globe and domestically as Americans—is an Economic Siege. You feel it. I feel it.

    Corporations have become so large they rival the power of Nation States. They move like ghosts through the sphere of International Relations. I call them, Geldgheist or “Money-Ghost.”

    We are no longer in a uni-polar world where America is top. But we are also not in a normal multi-polar world where only Nation States hold power.

    We are in a new era where these Geldgheist bastards, whom have no nationality or loyalty except to their own individual power, seek to topple all Western Democracy and corrupt our lands. We cannot wage traditional land war on them. They have no land to physically attack. No soldiers to fell.

    So, the only option we (the West and our Pacific Allies) have is economic war. Citizens Boycott. Governments freeze assets, break up and dismantle the Techbro Geldgheist Corporations.

    Straight from the mouth of Geldgheist Musk himself, “[…] If that [American] pillar falls, the whole roof comes crashing down. There’s no place to hide. There’s no place to run.“

    We face this together now or we lose Western and Pacific democracy — there is no other option.

  • This is one of the issues with oligopoly and unrestricted subsidiaries. At that point, every product is an A/B test for the same few companies. The illusion of competition is confusing for the consumer.

    But it’s also the nature of our current supply chain and how we manufacture goods—we make products together and goods don’t have a strict nationality anymore like citizens do.

    The confusion is maybe a good wake up call for how insidious this issue has become. America slacked on enforcing their anti-trust laws and now the world gets to pay for their mistake.

    I hope all of you boycott the hell out of America. It will hurt me personally, but it is necessary. Don’t let up.

  • I just want to second this comment and chime in with my experiences. (Thanks also for the information on Framework as I’m not familiar and love to learn)

    My family primarily uses Thinkpads. We refurbish them for fun (and often give them away to our community). We run Linux easily on almost all our Thinkpads. So far, Linux works very well even on some old machines (as old as 2012 which wouldn’t be what OP is looking for but still worth mentioning).

    We try different distros all the time but mostly stick with Fedora and PopOS.

    Right now, I am on a refurbished Thinkpad T480s running PopOS. The 7th gen processor is probably too slow for OP but it runs Linux great and it can even handle running a large dwarf fortress through Steam haha. The T480s also has a touchscreen option (and screens can often be swapped out). The T480s screens usually have a hinge where they can lay completely flat (although, I’m not sure if they are pen compatible).

    A more recent Thinkpad with a better processor could be an option for OP to consider in addition to the other great suggestions you made. :)