Always get a giggle at the articles claiming AI is replacing humans. Sorry, but I regularly have to correct it from dropping functionality in a 5-10 line code snippet, ain’t no way it can orchestrate government operations.
Always get a giggle at the articles claiming AI is replacing humans. Sorry, but I regularly have to correct it from dropping functionality in a 5-10 line code snippet, ain’t no way it can orchestrate government operations.
Well said, I support every bit of this coming from the southwest corner of Ohio. We should be embracing this as I can see this as strengthening our local economy.
A country built on immigration needs to continue to embrace immigration. Tired of all this divide, hatred and back-assward non-sense.
Next up, let’s fix our education system or none of this will matter in a decade. Shameful we choose to heavily focus on anti-race, anti individualism and other demoralizing, distracting issues. As having kids in the public school system we are screwed if changes are not made there.
Oh man, as someone in Cincinnati I feel targeted. There are worse states? West Virginia?
This… bpg provider seems to check most boxes and I’ve had less quirks than Telmates. My biggest gripe with most / all of them is the lack of cluster support.
Starting to thing Tesla is this governments Brawndo, as we are watching the plot from Idiocracy play out.