This would break a lot of sites
This would break a lot of sites
Thanks! Completely overlooked that
Does it really matter? Many laboratories around the world experiment with highly dangerous viruses and that one leaked. Not that I like it but it’s still a fact.
Hmm do you have a link to docs for that? 🤔
But shouldn’t this depend on the receiving end? I have enabled it and it still used the direct link
That’s the big question. But it looks intentional.
These are phishing bots. Never interact with them.
As far as I understand do they use Bluesky’s infrastructure.
The problem isn’t the PDS but the Relays. You need terabytes of storage and and some beefy hardware to run one of these. Also there are still quite some parts centralized.
Looks like they are panicking
How about teaching them to install Adblockers?
Haha würde auch passen. Das war ein crosspost vom Austria Subreddit, finde ihn aber leider nicht mehr.
Klingt für mich etwas nach Panikmache. Das Gesundheitssystem muss sich immer für Katastrophensituationen wappnen, sobald die Wahrscheinlichkeit für deren Eintritt mehr als 0% sind.
His IQ is definitely not 145
That’s why he needed to bribe someone into saying that he has. ;)
Ja echt abnormal
Reiner Populismus halt. Die wollen die Gesellschaft so weit zerstören bis sie leicht kontrollierbar ist. Faschismus 101
Ja! Gibt sogar Vorfälle in denen Kinder in die Notaufnahme müssen, weil Eltern ihnen das einflößen.
Trigger für schwurbler vermutlich
When the image of “Nicole” is loaded, your computer/phone connects to another server and transfers your IP address. But it currently looks like it’s not that big of a problem. Still a fix will be implemented soon to prevent this.