The world is ugly.
We(sterners) have been the aggressors/‘bad guys’ for too many decades. We’re still the main(~only) obstacle to ‘world peace’/‘an union of diversities’. ♪ All we are saaying… ♬(, are we even trying ? we could/should/must protect them&us)

  • 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • You’re saying that this program was a bad thing for the venezuelan/haitian/nicaraguan/cuban population, and i’m saying that 3 out of the 4 countries’ names were considered “terrorists” or w/e, without judging whether such decision was bad or a good, and mostly as an excuse to learn about Haiti.

    This decision may have been taken solely on the basis of the number of illegal migrants, and not according to the ideology adopted by these nations(, although these two things are linked since by destroying their countries we’re creating a strong emigration).

    But yes, i easily agree with you that the number of immigrants increased since the adoption of these immigration permits, and hence canceling them could be seen as a “good” thing for these countries. Instead of acknowledging that, i presented(, although not explicitly,) this decision as some kind of punishment towards these countries, sorry for that.

    As a last note : if what matters here is whether this decision is a punishment or not, it should be asked if « The policy, introduced for Venezuelans in October 2022, and for the other three nationalities in January 2023 », was then purposefully directed at haitians in order to punish them for something ? Perhaps not.
    Well, i.d.k., just thought it was weird to see its name alongside the three others, it reminded me that anti-westerners have been quite vocal there these last years, and i only wanted to make a post about it i guess

    edit : At the same time, i wouldn’t be surprised to learn that i’ve made a mistake by agreeing with you that emigration will always weaken the country of origin, you could think that they may come back later with money, contacts, and diplomas, that they’ll send money to their family while working in the u.s., etc. If you have data that clearly illustrate your point i’m interested, from what i gathered it depends on the nature of the country of emigration(, e.g., it was a clear loss for the u.s.s.r. since education was free ?). It doesn’t seem to be something that everyone agrees with.
    Which would mean that stopping this policy could in fact be a punishment instead of a good development(, even if that is still not my personal opinion : i agree with your reasoning that migrants mostly strengthens the country of immigration compared to their country of origin, larger is usually better, the arguments of the anti-immigrants are usually cultural and not economic b.t.w., and they’re often natalists).

  • And it was the birthday of el Comandante/Presidente Hugo Chávez yesterday.

    An amazing victory despite all the fucking unjust western interferences and sanctions who destroyed their glorious country. Let’s destroy the u.s.a. so we shall see if they’ll elect a communist in order to escape further destruction.
    But then some people will complain about frauds instead of western interferences/sanctions, fuck them.
    B.t.w., even if we can never be certain that fraud didn’t occur, including in western countries :

    And polls are unreliable, so the opposition cannot use them to affirm their victory :

    Also :

    I guess there’s no need to be angry, and i’m still so happy for the liberation of Julian Assange, just disappointed by the lack of support of (one of )the last french “leftist” newspaper, but there’s no reason to be surprised here as well, only Internet is left.

  • He’s transphobic but that’s the only point i’ll agree with(, a.f.a.i.k., he thinks that anti-transphobia is encouraging transexual thoughts at the difficult time of puberty, i don’t( care)), he’s clearly not a fachist since he’s even in favor of direct democracy and is always talking about being driven by virtue. Even in international relations he’s weirdly not anti-China nor anti-Russia(, and had problems because of that). And i guess i’d still feel indebted to him even if he was a white supremacist since those two things don’t overlap, but it’d be better to stop developing here. Again, thank you very much for developing your point of view, even if i don’t agree.

    I unfortunately haven’t synthesized my notes about neo-colonialism, but please tell me if you know better authors than : Jason Hickel, Ha-Joon Chang, Zak Cope, and Erik Reinert.
    (I’m less interested by older authors such as Samir Amin)
    I’m still shocked many years later to have discovered that western countries(, who had a headstart,) are still growing faster than so-called poor(exploited) countries. With the exception of the few countries who didn’t listened to the “unholy trinity” of the i.m.f., the world bank, and the w.t.o… And it’s weird that our closest political allies such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, or Israel, are coincidentally those who escaped the fate of every other country(, ex-english colonies also weirdly fared better than ex-french ones), if i’m skipping many arguments in the end i believe that the root of our problems that prevent a true international solidarity/‘mutual aid’ is that we’re afraid of allowing potential enemies to develop, we want to keep our control, even at the expense of global equality, there’s perhaps also a bit of selfishness/nationalism of course.

  • I didn’t expected a serious answer, thank you very much for the effort.

    I don’t believe that introducing androids will lead to communism, but such a change is hard to anticipate : what will we(sterners) do with all these unemployed ? Allowing them to live like the nobles of the past and encouraging them to pursue higher goals than solely pleasure(, e.g., playing video games and/or partying all day) ? I don’t know, but getting rid of jobs we hate doing wouldn’t make the western world a worst place(, well, except in this case though)
    Or we’ll just become useless for the powerful, and barely survive :

    Furthermore, is a billionaire’s “successes” his to appropriate? Who created his capital? Why does he own others’ labour to exploit?

    I know, Elon Musk is akin to Thomas Edison, clearly not Nikola Tesla. But i don’t have an answer to the argument that “his” many discoveries would have happened many years later without him. Hence why i can only feel grateful.

    And since this is the second time you’re talking about it, i can talk quite a bit about neo-colonialism if you want to exchange authors recommendations. I’ve personally lived in a van since 2015 and rarely have more than 1000€ in my bank account(, time’s more precious than money, no regret), yet i’ll insist until the end to explain why i’m very clearly in the aristocracy of the labour class, it’s not even something that can be questioned for it is very obvious. I don’t see why only the west would have access to androids if that was your argument, and yeah, it won’t be a solution to neo-colonialism either.

  • Videos of his arrival, and official venezuelan statement.

    Arrested in Cap Verde the 12th June 2020, he was held in Miami since 2021 under the pretense of money laundering, Interpol notifications or arrest warrants were issued retroactively and, of course, diplomatic immunity wasn’t respected. Here :

    And usual accusations of mistreatments.

    In order to obtain his liberation, they had to : release 10 americans, extradite fugitive Leonard Glenn Francis, and release around 20 political prisoners from jail. (source), it’s as asymmetric as usual.

    What’s less known is that apparently Qatar played once again a role of mediation :

    The wiki page lacks a lot of the above information, but this extract is ~interesting, they’re seriously claiming that hungry people are easier to control and less prone to revolts, so they’re sanctioning the c.l.a.p. which was feeding the poorest of them :

    I still think that evilness is a myth formulated by people refusing to understand/explain, and i’ll continue to think so even if we(sterners) exist.
    As an example, the murderous Israel would indeed be safer by destroying Palestine once and for all, at least as long as their estimation of a lack of retaliation from their neighbours proves to be correct.